Nan Nikkeoya

I’m happily lost in your thoughts …
In other words, I’m yours


Nan Nikkeoya / korean
(phr.) “I’m yours”


I love words. They’re like petals on a flower.

34 thoughts on “Nan Nikkeoya”

  1. Your words convey a profound sense of being deeply connected and captivated by someone, beautifully enriched by the Korean phrase “Nan Nikkeoya” which means “I’m yours.” The comparison of words to petals on a flower is a poetic touch, highlighting their beauty and emotional significance. 🌸

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no! But it is what it is happening in my side of the post 😞
        But I’ve got the song and listened to it. Good one.
        “ in life I know there’s lots of grief
        But your love is my relief
        Tears in my eyes burn, tears in my eyes burn
        While I’m waiting, while I’m waiting for my turn”

        Thank you dear Carlos for sharing ♥️

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