Being Strong

I believe in being strong,
A pillar amidst the chaos, unyielding and fierce …

Frozen moments tell half-truths

Interestingly I was very heartbroken just before taking this picture but after all the tantrums and tears from being over emotional that I’m, I walked by the sea shore, picked up some seashells and talked with just some kids playing on the beach, and only after doing all these, my tantrums were over and I started to feel beautiful, and smiling again …

Oh! The trauma of watching me in tears is always a little scary thing to the people who love me because I’m ugly in tears. Some look still so beautiful in tears, don’t you think so?

However, in my case I feel it’s more important for me that everyone knows that I’m still so much more than all the emotional baggage I carry from time to time and more than all the bad things that I might have been facing myself … .

By the way, it was a very silly matter for which I was being emotional fiercely 🥷🏻

Feeling things fiercely is not a bad thing, right?

22 thoughts on “Being Strong”

    1. Thank you Devang.
      I appreciate your comment.

      I’ll try to cry less. Smile more. Take good care of myself.

      You take care of yourself also …
      And never forget to smile pls 😊

      And my birthday is on 2nd September. Don’t forget me🤲


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  1. Feeling fiercely over important matters is good. Not worth wasting psychic energy on the trivial. I hope you know that you truly are a beautiful person and no need to cry to show us how beautiful you are. Besides, i think most of us look more attractive when we are smiling. Esp you in this photo, my dear!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you dear Stephie ….
      I appreciate your support and encouragement ….

      Yes, I agree that I need not to cry 😊

      And you’re right, focusing on what’s important is key …

      Your message really brightened my day! 🔆✨

      Wishing wonderful days always
      Don’t forget to smile, you too 😊

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  2. I don’t think any of us are attractive when crying, but maybe that’s just how we see ourselves.

    Just remember that we all carry baggage from the past and we never know the burden that others carry.

    Stay strong and keep a smile on your face. It’s the best way to face the future. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha- yes yes, I see myself ugly while sad or upset and crying mode ha ha

      I agree we can be our own harshest critics. You’re right!

      Everyone has their struggles and burdens. As Bob Marley said, ‘You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice’- so staying strong and keeping smiling are the powerful way to move forward and that’s what most of us do … fiercely, silently, compassionately with hope and love in our hearts …

      Thank you Richard for your beautiful feeds on my posts … always! 🔆✨😊

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