La Vie Est Belle

Saying ‘I love you’ doesn’t suffice …
I need to say, ‘I love you immensely’ …
Only then does my heart overflow with joy-
Ethereal and divine …


Tu hai toh – muskurate hai

Nepal, I will always remember you. The experience was so surreal, it delved deep into my heart, making my soul feel the innocent emotions and pain more profoundly that I never imagined I would feel …

Wherever I went, I sensed the presence and warmth of a far away land; I feel that presence flowing through the bloodstreams of my heart. I long for the warmth, fully aware that I am that warmth; to meet the one and merge into unity, to grasp another’s essence within my soul, to see myself reflected in the light of my soulmate. I keep searching only to realize that this beautiful quest is what makes my journey so special. Once the search is over, I will be in eternal despair … So, isn’t this better?

Visiting the mandirs, temples, and stupas made the experience even more fascinated, as I never forgot to pray there. This is quite unusual for me, and I’m not exaggerating, even if it might sound that way …

I realize I love the life I lead, mainly because of my childlike curiosity, carefree nature, sense of humour, deep emotions, enthusiasm, hopefulness, creativity and the immense attraction I feel for the Mother Nature that’s innate in my heart, and the special love that comes from my little heart is the one that meets with The One who roots me with this knowledge that

I’m nothing and everything;
I’m attached and detached;
I’m wild and I’m calm;
I’m possessive and sacred;

Anyways, after the Nepal trip, I’m a bit under the weather from unknown allergies. Moreover I mistakenly attempted some crazy yoga asanas 🧘 on my own to celebrate International Yoga Day (ha ha ha). It wasn’t the wisest decision, but trust me, all my decisions are good ones so far! You just don’t know it yet. Perspective and time matter…

Keep sending good energy and blessings on my way. Keep Sana in prayers!

Namaste/ नमस्ते
Peace/ سلام

24 thoughts on “La Vie Est Belle”

  1. I went to Nepal last year, and visited the Gajendra moksha temple, and let me tell you, it’s been one of my most wonderful experiences till date. The rivers, the mountains, the scenery, and just everything else!! The list can go on.

    So wonderful to read this piece. 💚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds like an incredible experience! Nepal’s natural beauty and cultural richness are truly captivating …

      Visiting the Gajendra Moksha Temple must have been a profound and serene moment … I went to few temples including Shiva Temple.

      Thank you for sharing your journey; it’s inspiring to hear about such meaningful travels. I wish to travel Nepal again someday …

      And thank you dear Shruti for your presence here on my post. I love this a lot … ❤️


  2. oh my dearest, it sounds like a heavenly, spiritual experience and I am so wonderfully happy that you had a fabulous time. But, I hope you didnt pick up a virus in your journey. Praying for you that you heal soon. I am available to give you self-help treatment advice, should u need some ideas. — Happy you are home safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really? That’s wonderful to hear!
      It sounds like you both have a deep connection to it. I’m sure your future visits will be just as memorable! Certainly Nepal is such a captivating place with its rich culture and stunning landscapes …

      Also I’ve a wish to visit it again!

      Thank you Maggie for your kind presence here on my post. Wishing you wonderful days.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The video and images from your Nepal trip are wonderful. It looks like you had an amazing adventure. I’ve always imagined it would also be a spiritual experience, deep and meaningful. So happy for you that you were able to spend time there.

    And be careful with yoga! I pulled a hamstring once attempting a move I wasn’t ready for!

    Hope you feel better soon. Peace to you and your loved ones.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Richard for your kind presence always on my posts. I feel humbled and grateful …

      Yes, Nepal truly is a place of deep spiritual and cultural richness, and I cherished every moment of my time there. The name of the taxi driver who picked us from the airport was Ram and from then onwards my spiritual journey began in Nepal. It was meaningful in every way!

      I’m sorry to hear about your hamstring injury—yoga can be quite tricky sometimes. I’ll definitely be more cautious. Or I’ll just stick to my walking habit. No more yoga asanas!

      Peace and well-being to you and your loved ones as well!

      Liked by 1 person

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