
On this day, he reflected, “I recall she used to attend her prayers for Jumma day.” …

On this day, she reminisced, “I recall he would probably meet the girl.” …

Today, he worried, “She has been feeling a bit unwell. Will she still be able to go to the mosque for her prayers? Perhaps she should rest today. Will she ever heed my advice?” …

Today, she pondered, “When will he meet the girl? Will it be in the evening? That would be preferable. It’s quite hot outside today; they might not feel comfortable meeting in such humidity. I hope their meeting goes well.” …

Despite feeling unwell again, she went to the mosque for Jumma prayer, then in the evening she prayed for him before falling asleep …

In the evening, he met the girl, and they enjoyed their time together, discussing their future life …

Throughout all this time, they remember their memories,
Yet they never announce their presence,
Simply flowing directly into their hearts …

I appreciate your prayers for me.

Tell me if there’s anything else you wish to put in this story ….

Gunnen/ dutch
(n.) to find happiness in someone else’s happiness because that’s how much you love them …