A Paradise Picturesque

I’m in love with the scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop ….and I have never been to any snow-clad mountains up so close. It was a surrealistic feeling for me. I visited Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, Anantnag. I was excited for Gulmarg Gondola, the world’s second longest & second highest cable car 14,000 above sea level with picturesque views. Gondola ride takes around 22 minutes to reach Mountain Apharwat Peak from Gulmarg town and it is worth every minute to visit the peak. Exceptional views of sky and clouds. I was mesmerised by the wonderful view of the magnificent snow clad peaks. I loved the activities that I did, hiking, skiing ⛷️, sleighing. Had yummy coffee and Maggie soup there up on that mountain peak. So interesting!

Apart from Gulmarg Gondola and peak of the Apharwat mountain attractions, I loved Betaab Valley, Pahalgam valley, Dal lake, Zoji La, Baltal, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Pari Mahal, Night staying on a houseboat and Shikara ride in the fabulous Dal Lake, Horse riding to go to Baisaran Valley – each and everywhere I went, I can write a whole lot of things – but that story I may share later, some other day …

Here let me tell you about how destiny took me to Kashmir ….

I was planning an India trip with close ones. Initially we planned to visit the famous Taj Mahal in Agra, then Jaipur, Delhi also. But there were some situation which made me plan for Kolkata with another school friend. We bought the tickets even. But then again I had to rethink my trip and cancelled the air ticket. Then two of my colleagues wanted to join me for Darjeeling. Again we were making a bit research on this to make a good itinerary for us three. Then that plan also got cancelled. And I was the only one left to make the trip to India. But the timing wasn’t preferable for some reason and I wanted to avoid few particular dates specifically for my youngest sister was coming after months. Then I was in dilemma also, cause I didn’t want to make the trip alone. My family didn’t have any visa. Now I had only few days left to make the trip happen. Lastly within two days I tagged myself with some girls whom I didn’t know and they were going to Kashmir and that again they planned on the days when my sister was coming. With a bit of mixed emotions about not being able to spend time with my chhotu sister, I decided to join that group of girls. So finally I was going to take that solo trip with them whom I never met and they happened to be my travel companions for seven days.

The moment I flew for Kashmir’s, I was terribly missing my family, and sisters back home. And then the moment I landed in one of the Heaven on Earth, I was spellbound by the stars and universe joined in with its magic wand upon me to make me this much enchanted 🤩 🪄….

That’s why if someone asks me, ‘Is Kashmir worth it?”, I would say, ‘You never know until you visit.’

May be Kashmir was destined for me in many layers of undefined ways of life – that story I wish to share some other day ….

I took a lot of pictures and videos. I’m sharing only few here. Let me know if you have liked the Paradise Picturesque photographs by Roksana Tales. I wish to make post cards with some of the moments there.


I wish to visit again …
Will you go with me?


I’m an Orophile, meaning I’m a person who loves mountains …

And you?

33 thoughts on “A Paradise Picturesque”

    1. Thank you dear for your lovely visit. I felt honoured to have you here on my humble posts.

      I love travelling. And travelling to that part of the world made me so happy. The pictures reflect my happiness, I guess.

      I hope many more of sharing from yours and mine in days to come.
      Till then keep smiling and shining

      Liked by 1 person

  1. You have excellent capabilities to pen the picture of anything whether it is travelling or an art or a poem.
    Speechless indeed.
    Khub sundor laaglo 👍😊🙏❤️


  2. Pahalgam and Gulmarg both have spectacular views which are beyond words. Chandanwaadi, mini Switzerland etc were awesome.
    Very lucky they are who have visited Kashmir.
    Among all the spots, that you planned initially, Kashmir is the best.
    Your photos are very beautiful.
    Your video is fantastic.
    Darun darun legeche Saab photo video.


      1. Yes I remember you had another post.
        Khub valo laglo.
        I have heard that Pakistan side Kashmir is more beautiful.
        Have a blissful time ahead 😊


  3. This is a captivating and beautifully written travel experience! Your love for the scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains shines through your words. The way destiny led you to Kashmir and how you embraced the solo trip with new travel companions is inspiring. The pictures must be truly mesmerizing. I can feel your excitement. Truly a delightful read!✨ 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m overwhelmed by reading your words.
      Thank you for your wonderful comment on my A Paradise Picturesque …

      I tried to share as if I’m telling you all a story, a private feeling and emotion and then you could listen to my heartbeats as to feel how much enchanting it was for me.

      It is said, ‘Focus on the journey, not the destination’ …. Wherever I find myself, I love to be present there, and this makes the whole experience a lot of difference in many layers.

      Though I’m a pleasantly reserved person, and then I was with some other girls, I could find some moments of indulgence and I could recharge my batteries to get along with all of the travel companions. They were caring and kind also.

      I believe in destiny and then decorating my destiny with enthusiasm, love and kindness.

      Loved being an Orophile and so much grateful for this Kashmir trip.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your words touched my heart deeply. Your storytelling style and the emotions you conveyed made it feel like a beautiful journey I was a part of. Your ability to be present in the moment and find enchantment wherever you go is truly inspiring. It’s wonderful to see how you embraced the trip with your reserved nature and found moments of indulgence with your travel companions. Your belief in destiny and your approach of decorating it with enthusiasm, love, and kindness is truly remarkable. Being an Orophile and cherishing the Kashmir trip shows your gratitude and love for nature. Keep sharing your captivating experiences with us!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I am deeply grateful to nature for all it provides me, and it is so obvious that I feel alive in the envelope of mighty nature around me.

        Your words are also heart touching: appreciate your time and energy in my blogposts. Thank you 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you dear A.
      You know I love capturing moments and memories. It’s an undefined mystery for me.

      Yes, true; Kashmir trip certainly is one of the best trips for me.
      Just I do not want to compare it to my other trips, specifically the trips to US, because US trips are precious as my children are there. If they wouldn’t be there, I wouldn’t like much of the US trips, specially the NY trips. But I do cherish my memories in San Francisco. I wish to visit there someday again. In shaAllah …

      Hey, you misspelled my name. 😔

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, so dramatic and so beautiful.

      I’m happy that you loved my experience there. I wish I could tell all the stories and emotional journey about my Kashmir trip. I shared only a part of it, trust me.

      I pray you make the trip to Kashmir with your beloved 😍
      in shaAllah

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m doing a tedious task yet I know it’ll be so rewarding… In shaAllah

        Life is strangely unpredictable at the moment yet I know it’s all for a greater good …

        I’m healthy a bit lot (weight-wise ha ha) as I’m hosting a lot more than usual yet I know I need to take care of my overall health, no matter what ….

        Otherwise I must say that
        ‘I’m beautiful since day one, without an inch of doubt.’ 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Next time I would wish to go in December-January …

        I know it’ll be extremely cold then. I want to experience the snow falling from the sky …. I have even thought of catching snowfall from the sky…. Manifesting it so much that it’ll happen in shaAllah … dreaming

        And to enjoy skiing again in the beautiful slopes of Gulmarg and other places around Srinagar …

        कृपया मेरे लिए प्रार्थना करें

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Udaipur is must, as
        वहां मैं मशहूर लेखक से मिलना चाहूंगा

        And I have some ideas. Will share once I plan to come to Udaipur. In shaAllah …

        Liked by 1 person

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