A Paradise Picturesque

I’m in love with the scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop ….and I have never been to any snow-clad mountains up so close. It was a surrealistic feeling for me. I visited Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, Anantnag. I was excited for Gulmarg Gondola, the world’s second longest & second highest cable car 14,000 above sea level with picturesque views. Gondola ride takes around 22 minutes to reach Mountain Apharwat Peak from Gulmarg town and it is worth every minute to visit the peak. Exceptional views of sky and clouds. I was mesmerised by the wonderful view of the magnificent snow clad peaks. I loved the activities that I did, hiking, skiing ⛷️, sleighing. Had yummy coffee and Maggie soup there up on that mountain peak. So interesting!

Apart from Gulmarg Gondola and peak of the Apharwat mountain attractions, I loved Betaab Valley, Pahalgam valley, Dal lake, Zoji La, Baltal, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Pari Mahal, Night staying on a houseboat and Shikara ride in the fabulous Dal Lake, Horse riding to go to Baisaran Valley – each and everywhere I went, I can write a whole lot of things – but that story I may share later, some other day …

Here let me tell you about how destiny took me to Kashmir ….

I was planning an India trip with close ones. Initially we planned to visit the famous Taj Mahal in Agra, then Jaipur, Delhi also. But there were some situation which made me plan for Kolkata with another school friend. We bought the tickets even. But then again I had to rethink my trip and cancelled the air ticket. Then two of my colleagues wanted to join me for Darjeeling. Again we were making a bit research on this to make a good itinerary for us three. Then that plan also got cancelled. And I was the only one left to make the trip to India. But the timing wasn’t preferable for some reason and I wanted to avoid few particular dates specifically for my youngest sister was coming after months. Then I was in dilemma also, cause I didn’t want to make the trip alone. My family didn’t have any visa. Now I had only few days left to make the trip happen. Lastly within two days I tagged myself with some girls whom I didn’t know and they were going to Kashmir and that again they planned on the days when my sister was coming. With a bit of mixed emotions about not being able to spend time with my chhotu sister, I decided to join that group of girls. So finally I was going to take that solo trip with them whom I never met and they happened to be my travel companions for seven days.

The moment I flew for Kashmir’s, I was terribly missing my family, and sisters back home. And then the moment I landed in one of the Heaven on Earth, I was spellbound by the stars and universe joined in with its magic wand upon me to make me this much enchanted 🤩 🪄….

That’s why if someone asks me, ‘Is Kashmir worth it?”, I would say, ‘You never know until you visit.’

May be Kashmir was destined for me in many layers of undefined ways of life – that story I wish to share some other day ….

I took a lot of pictures and videos. I’m sharing only few here. Let me know if you have liked the Paradise Picturesque photographs by Roksana Tales. I wish to make post cards with some of the moments there.


I wish to visit again …
Will you go with me?


I’m an Orophile, meaning I’m a person who loves mountains …

And you?

Meeting among The Mountains

Kashmir, Heaven on Earth

I dreamt of walking
On mountains
I dreamt of meeting
You ….

Here I’m walking
On the lands of magical mountains …
High above the crowds and the clouds,
Under the ancient pine trees
I’m in its close embrace ..
Surrendering to the magnificence …
Believe, I could see nothing
In the thread of mist
Caressing the wind
Everywhere I see
You …

Only you …

Heart full of gratitude for this gift of being alive to see the magnificent heavenly beauty by The Divine.

Kashmir, Heaven on Earth

Travelling Alone is Therapy

Let nothing and no one stop me…..

All on my own, I made my way; 

Through the dark of night and bright of day,

Dreams are there for me in that shining evening ray.

Sometimes I feel as if I had spent my whole life dreaming…. dreaming to fall and wait for the moment when I would hit the water all alone….alone on a lonely beach.

Though, in the midst of such vastness, it wouldn’t be possible for me to view such beauty and serenity all by myself…

I’m not meant to be alone…

I don’t want to be alone….

I can’t be so self-centered….

I’m not made in this way.

But you know, sometimes though, you need to be alone, all by yourself.

When you’re by yourself, you’re forced to think.

Travelling alone, I believe, is like medication.

Because it makes u test yourself in ways you never thought possible.

Well I dream to travel alone & travelling alone is one of my precious dreams.

Dreams are there to unlock imagination.


I believe where there’s a true and honest dream, there’s always a way.

I find travelling an opportunity not to relax;

But also a means to mingle freely with co-travelers.

Besides, the feeling of freedom makes it easier for one to interact with people from all walks of life.

And I love people and places.

In the little space of my daily life, in which I make and re-make relationships with everyone that I encounter and whom I find my dearests, I love to use a little adventurous mode.

It’s in my nature: Adventurous.

But solo trip to some place had been a mere dream only.

Or it must be better to admit that I had only loved to dream about it.

Never had I made it my long-cherished dream the way I dream of it now.

Now, as the days pass, I begin to embrace uncertainty. I realize that it’s from venturing into the unknown that I learn more what it means to be human and above all, what it means to be free.

Fragility is what I think I’m…..very sensitive to life’s little things.

At times it breaks you from inside.

Travelling alone would definitely teach me to overcome many unnecessary emotions.

Travelling alone would give me the chance to do things that I never thought I could; that I could completely rely on myself for everything.

I’m a nature-lover.

I prefer wilderness. Or should I say I love Travelling for the travelling’s’ sake.

You know, life can be exciting EN ROUTE anyway you look at it.

Through travelling,

You learn that people, in general, are helpful and that come along your journey.

You meet people from all around the world, some of whom may become life-long friends.

Through travelling,

You become a better, more self-reliant person.

You impact the lives of those you encounter in your journey in a positive way.

All we have to do is to learn by being introspective, by creating and discovering new enchanted emotional space rather than physical space.

I know, as a woman travelling alone, I would face issues that a man wouldn’t. But I think I’m unafraid. Because I’m a true heart. I won’t do wrongs to anyone. I don’t want to hurt even. I know I’ve my own mountains to climb. I have to face issues that might come along my paths. But those are for me only a literal mountain. Climbing Real Mountain is yet to come in my life, and it’ll only come forward if I start travelling alone.

You know I love challenges too.

Travelling is a way of life and travelling alone needs more attitudes towards embracing the anticipation of the UNKNOWN.

So here I’m on a journey to the destination of my own dream.

Let nothing and no one stop me.

Bon Voyage!!