Mini Mountain – Painting

This small little artwork in standing frame was chosen by one of my favourite friend for one of her favourite person.

So I wrapped it with all the things that I usually send with the painting, few JBC cards, greeting cards and a hand-written note as a token of gratitude.

My friend received the packet with gratitude and her favourite person received the Mini Mountain painting with grace and appreciation from her.

I remember, I shared one photo image of this Mini Mountain to my friend the day before I sent it to her, and I told my friend, ‘If she (your fav person) keeps this little piece in an aesthetic manner, it’ll be a great fit for any corner of her home’ ….

Then she told me, ‘You know Roksana, your little artwork is going to a home where they’re pretty cultural minded people and they design the walls of their home with different paintings from different categories, such as paintings from famous artist Rafiqun Nabi (Ranabi) and others. And I’ve chosen your art for their home.’ I was speechless; I didn’t know what to say. I was feeling shy and a lot overwhelmed … Thank you Joya for choosing JBC artwork for such a beautiful artistic home.♥️

After three days, my friend sent me a photo of the corner side-table where this little Mini Mountain has found it’s precious space, and my friend wrote to me, ‘Your painting, in the right place now.’

I loved that so much –
I looked at the image carefully and I found –
Sufi darbesh in white attire …
Buddha taking a peaceful nap …
George Harrison’s famous Bangla Desh cassette
A vintage old-fashioned black land-lined phone
A photograph of a young girl …
And many more souvenirs and antiques …
In midst of all these, my mini mountain painting … Isn’t it amazing?

My happiness knows no bounds …
I’m happy that they received my little artwork with joy in their home as it indeed brought joy in my heart creating it.

I love these stories of JBC paintings and artworks ….
These are like love-letters to me …

I hope you love the JBC love-stories too …





A Story of Paintings

These two little authentic and original artworks, titled ‘Shiny Mountains’ were done on plain color fabric using acrylic paint and metallic paint …
And then I embroidered my favourite pine trees on these …
And then I used wooden standing frames to put these little paintings inside of the frames …
And then I’m happy with the overall presentation of my little beauties …
And then some people love these so much that they keep these in such an aesthetic manner to make a corner of their home artistic, just like this …

It might be a quite insignificant tale for others,
but it’s never an insignificant story for me. The act of creating art serves as a means of healing for me and a way to exist as myself and in this journey I’ve found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

It’s so humbling that I feel like I keep on creating and sharing my artworks for each and everyone.

I love these stories around Jian Bird Creates’ artworks and paintings.
Truly life is about creating yourself through everyday stories. And I’m very happy that my stories are being created by Jian Bird Creates, a humble brand based out of a room in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh.

Thank you warmly, and for your love, honour and support in JBC artworks.


Roksana Amelia
Artist & Artrepreneur
Jian Bird Creates

What gives you a sense of purpose in life?


The cosmos is within us
The dance is absolutely amazing
Abundantly fabulous …

Imagination is great
For the knowledge we possess
The inner child returns to find
A new era of time …
Becoming a wild free soul, fabulous …

The soul has the rhyme
From the time it’s born …
Listen to the Talisman of your own,
Daydreaming in this cosmic energy,
Travelling to the worlds, fabulous …

Let the universe find
The questions you have,
The answers you need –
All are dwelling inside
Waiting for a spark to
Find its magic, fabulously powerful …
A new pathway to excellence…

You belong to the mysterious space
Your dreams are coming back to you
There’s a song called cosmic abyss
From the beginning to eternity
The eternal flame, that’s fabulous …

Jijivisha/ hindi
(n.) jijivisha is the intense desire to live (or continue living) in the highest sense of being …

A humble video of JBC Paintings Prints on white ambush A4 paper (300gsm).

I hope you’ll like these.☺️✨🤲


Journey All Its Own

Dear Art lovers,
Please visit my precious art gallery sometimes
And get an overwhelming experience …
Stare at my artworks for sometime …
Sometimes, stare at my precious artwork for some more time, say, five minutes more or ten minutes longer …
Stare at it, as if you do not have any hurry or hustle …

During that period of time
You may feel that time is moving slow around you and you’re still in front of an artwork …
An artwork by Roksana Amelia
Suppose, it’s her ‘Journey All its Own’ ….
Just I wish
You would love this slow looking at her artwork for a bit longer time …
As it is surely a ‘Journey All its Own’ ….

We all want to know a bit about ourselves ..
Don’t we?
We think we know a lot about ourselves ..
Do we?
You know about ‘Know thyself’ – it’s a famous saying …
But did you ever wonder why it’s a bit difficult to know thyself?
Have we looked deep down into our soul for a bit longer time?
Do we take a bit longer dive into our soul?
Are we comfortable enough to take the journey into our soul a bit longer time?
Or do we feel restless resting in our own soul?
Knowing thyself isn’t so easy, my dear …
Learn the art of slow looking at your own self
Knowing thyself is an art of learning through observation …
To know thyself needs uninterrupted attention;
So take time, dive deep and see your soul through your heart and mind ….

So when you visit my gallery
You may reward a longer look at the precious artworks here ….
Thus you may spend time with the precious journey that you own as well …

This ‘Journey All its Own’ is yours and yours only …
I won’t say how you should look at it.
It’s personal.
You decide what you wish to look and what you feel about it …
It’s about you and this ‘Journey’ …

I just feel happy that
While you’re with my artwork,
You may make your own discoveries out of your slow looking at it …
As if you are diving deep and deep
And forming a very special personal connection with it …

See my dear,
I’m more interested about
This special connection between you and my precious art piece,
Specifically because …..
I so long to wish for that beautiful sight of
You and your ‘Journey All Its Own’ ….

A New Journey
All Its own …

And now tell me, which one/s you feel more connected to your own soul … what specific things would drive you to know yourself better …. Have you ever thought about it?


There’s a Buddha in me saying,
‘When in doubt and confusion, pause.’

There’s a soulmate in me saying,
‘Do not fear. Be vulnerable. Love.’

In Pattaya, Thailand

Detached Attachment


I was waiting
For you
And you didn’t show up
while my odes started to burn …
A heartache …

After a while,
There a humble person came along ..
Seemed so at the moment …
I asked him to take a picture of me and
There I sat at the corner of a bench
In the garden …
Took some time to
Get my mood toned
Up my unsettled face …
There the man waited patiently …
A gentleman ….

Once it’s all set yet unsteady
As I was,
I heard the man said, ‘Ready?’
Twinkled at him and said, ‘Yes’
Smiling …
With the chilly breeze that was
Passing through
I preferred my warm
Jacket kept aside
And my heavy heart smile
For the warmth I needed ….
A harmony ….

Later on I welcomed a friendly
Conversation with the stranger
He seemed to like all of it …
My chitter-chattering
And laughter flowed freely, naturally …
Then we started walking
In the garden, blooming all around
An attachment ….

The balance was the two umbrellas
For each of us,
His violet, mine yellow one
We were walking and talking
Keeping the in-between distance mindfully yet our heart-felt notions were quietly replaying …
The undefined mysteries of the world, meanwhile …
Letting love in our heart, unknowingly …
After a while, we faded into our different paths
Just two strangers with memories
A detachment ….




Tell me, what is that one odd yet beautiful encounter you experienced in your lifetime?

The Ache That Would Not Leave’ – A Painting

Can I ask you something?

“Behind the hum and routine of daily living, there lay a persistent and wild longing for something she could not easily put into words. It felt like impulsive adventures and watching the sun rise over unfamiliar mountains ….

The truly heartbreaking part was that she could feel the remaining days of her life falling away, like leaves from an autumn tree, but still this mysterious person who held the key to unlock her secrets did not arrive; they were missing, and she knew not where to find them.”
-John Mark Green


I treasure my painting moments ….
What are your treasured moments?