Melancholy’s Song

The shadow cast
On that starless skies,
Where murmurs linger,
Subdued goodbyes …
A tune of melancholy’s song,
In thy heart where echoes long …

Oh this melancholy,
My silent guest,
A tear-stained story, unspoken, and so blessed
The weight of contemplation
In shades of gray,
In twilight hours, grips its sway …

A canvas painted with dull hues,
A whirlwind of memories, tattered and bruised …
Through hazy veils of nostalgic dreams,
The world in silent sadness gleams …

A poet’s pen on pages bare,
Twisted verses of a sincere prayer …
Thy melancholy’s tender art,
Nothing but a symphony of hurting heart …

Yet, in the depth of still despair,
Belongs a beauty, rare and fair …
A gentle solace for the mind
In the shadow of the ancient find …

So let the tears of misery flow
Like mists on a window’s glow …
For in melancholy’s gentle grace
There lies a balm for life’s embrace …


Solitude and Love

Without solitude, Love will not stay long by your side.

Because Love needs to rest, so that it can journey through the heavens and reveal itself in other forms.

Without solitude, no plant or animal can survive, no soil can remain productive, no child can learn about life, no artist can create, no work can grow and be transformed.

Solitude is not the absence of Love, but its complement.

Solitude is not the absence of company, but the moment when our soul is free to speak to us and help us decide what to do with our life.

Therefore, blessed are those who do not fear solitude, who are not afraid of their own company, who are not always desperately looking for something to do, something to amuse themselves with, something to judge.

If you are never alone, you cannot know yourself.

And if you do not know yourself, you will begin to fear the void.

Paulo Coelho

Jian Bird Creates

His Precious Jewellery

His look is one of the most
Distinctive in fashion;
Though quite an escapist mode
He owns …

His dominant movement
Has made him one of that
Dominant icon …
A timeless form within,
Bringing the
Unfinished make-up of
The star to my whole being …

Often I wonder
A velvet scarf would appreciate
The beauty more …
Often I think …
The sky blue,
Royal blue,
And rose-gold would reflect
The imagery of his style in my mirror …

In vivid expression,
His is a simpler,
A softer look …
He is his time
And communicates
With a youthful spirit …

As I want more than
Only adoration,
I want insight, an intellectual curiosity
To provoke a luxurious fabrics;
Such as cashmere, or
Duchess satin,
Grey flannel and more …
These do bring forth a nostalgic beauty
To my man’s beauty …

And I’m happy
That often I design him
In Sunday’s best silk with
Traditionally delicate lace …
And this is the centre of all his
Charms defined by me …

Though some fragile knits
And beads are always there …
Still, it’s a fabulous fit for us …
The clothes are all clean and white
Thats what set up our own label,
A chosen one for the privileges …

It’s beyond passion
It’s forevermore with the beloved …
The essence of this passionate heart is
Rooted in his bold and unique spirit …

After all these settled
Fashion and styles,
He often says
Quite fashionably,
‘His heart wears nothing
But only one jewellery’ …
Often he says to me,
‘He treasures nothing but
One precious treasure’ …
And that his precious jewellery
Is me …


The cosmos is within us
The dance is absolutely amazing
Abundantly fabulous …

Imagination is great
For the knowledge we possess
The inner child returns to find
A new era of time …
Becoming a wild free soul, fabulous …

The soul has the rhyme
From the time it’s born …
Listen to the Talisman of your own,
Daydreaming in this cosmic energy,
Travelling to the worlds, fabulous …

Let the universe find
The questions you have,
The answers you need –
All are dwelling inside
Waiting for a spark to
Find its magic, fabulously powerful …
A new pathway to excellence…

You belong to the mysterious space
Your dreams are coming back to you
There’s a song called cosmic abyss
From the beginning to eternity
The eternal flame, that’s fabulous …

Jijivisha/ hindi
(n.) jijivisha is the intense desire to live (or continue living) in the highest sense of being …

A humble video of JBC Paintings Prints on white ambush A4 paper (300gsm).

I hope you’ll like these.☺️✨🤲


Journey All Its Own

Dear Art lovers,
Please visit my precious art gallery sometimes
And get an overwhelming experience …
Stare at my artworks for sometime …
Sometimes, stare at my precious artwork for some more time, say, five minutes more or ten minutes longer …
Stare at it, as if you do not have any hurry or hustle …

During that period of time
You may feel that time is moving slow around you and you’re still in front of an artwork …
An artwork by Roksana Amelia
Suppose, it’s her ‘Journey All its Own’ ….
Just I wish
You would love this slow looking at her artwork for a bit longer time …
As it is surely a ‘Journey All its Own’ ….

We all want to know a bit about ourselves ..
Don’t we?
We think we know a lot about ourselves ..
Do we?
You know about ‘Know thyself’ – it’s a famous saying …
But did you ever wonder why it’s a bit difficult to know thyself?
Have we looked deep down into our soul for a bit longer time?
Do we take a bit longer dive into our soul?
Are we comfortable enough to take the journey into our soul a bit longer time?
Or do we feel restless resting in our own soul?
Knowing thyself isn’t so easy, my dear …
Learn the art of slow looking at your own self
Knowing thyself is an art of learning through observation …
To know thyself needs uninterrupted attention;
So take time, dive deep and see your soul through your heart and mind ….

So when you visit my gallery
You may reward a longer look at the precious artworks here ….
Thus you may spend time with the precious journey that you own as well …

This ‘Journey All its Own’ is yours and yours only …
I won’t say how you should look at it.
It’s personal.
You decide what you wish to look and what you feel about it …
It’s about you and this ‘Journey’ …

I just feel happy that
While you’re with my artwork,
You may make your own discoveries out of your slow looking at it …
As if you are diving deep and deep
And forming a very special personal connection with it …

See my dear,
I’m more interested about
This special connection between you and my precious art piece,
Specifically because …..
I so long to wish for that beautiful sight of
You and your ‘Journey All Its Own’ ….

A New Journey
All Its own …

And now tell me, which one/s you feel more connected to your own soul … what specific things would drive you to know yourself better …. Have you ever thought about it?


In the wind
A flower brings life,
Plain and pure;
That you once sowed ..
It’s a work that you can see
It’s blooming …

In the wind
A mystery seems invisible;
Believing is the touch,
That you once felt ..
It’s a work that your mind
Can not resist ….

In the wind
A yearning hums a tune,
Simpler and warm ..
That you once met and mingled;
It’s a work that you
Can not get over it …

In the wind
A sound whispers in the ears,
Caressing silently ..
That you once belonged;
It’s a work that you’ve
Ever fallen like rain …

In the wind
A love brings life
That you once gave it all;
It’s a work that you can never forget
And neither it’s ever over ….

Commuovere (Italian) /ko’mːwɔvere/
(v.) this word means you’ve been moved or touched or had your heart warmed, by someone. Specifically, it’s a story that has stirred your heart or moved you to tears …


Sometimes I do feel a bit of strange when I find my mind chooses the words that tread the hazy line between romance, or emotions of two potential lovers or just someone who I may have met somewhere, in my imagination or real, or virtually, or anywhere in the universe, … then I feel that while writing it’s not necessarily solely about me all the time and it’s not what it seems as well and it’s just something that makes me feel happy when I can express certain feelings as it comes within; Often I know, through these words, I simply may portray someone else’s longing, or devotion, or heartbreaking phase, or someone who might be seeking solace from the world of separation, or someone who makes his love stronger even when it’s over … or just about me trying to find the right words to describe an indescribable feeling within ….


Felt a quite chaos while painting it, so I named it CHAOS


This love-story is stuck on a chord in my heartstrings …

Love Letters

Love letters, for you. Never sent …



Love …

Love unconditionally. This is the condition …



Yes I do.
And you?


True as a moment in a setting sun
That pursues the thoughts so striking …

As beautiful as nature
That celebrates youth so blossoming …

As true as moon hanging up always on the sky
That rises at nights, in beauty
so high springing …

As a fine morning dew on a petal
That falls lightly like a beautiful tear never ending …

As a pillar with a promise
That makes countless impossibility, gathering ..

You Live Once – A Painting

Live life adventurously. You live once.



I hope you would love this song which I have added in my this painting work in progress video. It’s one of my favourite.

I love this song, ‘Live More & Love More’ by Cat Burns. I love it’s melody and energy.

It tells about starting whatever it is you want to start and doing whatever it is you want to do in life. Because we only have one life, and we deserve to live it to the fullest. Such a positive powerful song.

It beautifully expresses to find a balance between growing ourselves as individuals and sharing our love.

“If there’s something you wanna do, just do it
Don’t let your head stop your heart from moving
If there’s someone you wanna talk to, talk to ’em
Who knows who we’d be if we just
Live more and love more
We all just need to live more and love more
So hug your kids, tell them you love them
Have some heart but make sure it’s open
Play by risk ’cause time gets stolen
Maybe speak less and listen more
‘Cause life’s too short
You only have one
It might sound cliche
But your life can start when you choose it to
When you choose it to” ….

Another song that I love so much is ‘Fix You’ by Coldplay…. Love these lines so much,

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you’ ….

Isn’t it beautiful?

What is/ are your favourite powerful positive song/s?

Prayers of Happiness

A simple prayer
Powerful enough
‘You deserve happy’ …

You think you can stop loving someone,
But in reality
You can only hide that feeling,
You never stop loving …
Because once you love someone,
There’s no undoing it …
There’s only prayers of
Happiness for them …

A Melancholic Music

You are like a music
Which creates melancholic
moods inside my heart …
A melody that lingers, night and day …
I take time to listen to it,
I find myself enchanted;
When nothing seems to ease my restlessness
I listen to you, my music
To walk the long journey of life
Even though it only creates melancholic moods
But you are like that music to me
Loving, healing, heart-touching
Connecting my soul to you
Forever and always ….

Apharwat Peak, Gulmarg

The Moonlit Night, Tonight

Srinagar, Kashmir

I’m so lost now …
Seeing you
In the breeze of the moonlit night …

That faraway moon brightens our long conversations so much,
That it feels
Like we could talk forever
In the deep of this moonlit night …

I’m so lost now
Looking deep in your eyes
As you whisper sweet nothings
In the breeze of the moonlit night tonight …

Grey isn’t What I’m Meant to be …

Life is somewhat grey
Just monotony
Lost and lonely …

Don’t you know?

Only when you stay
Life is colorful ….
A hopeful glow
Echoes of brighter joy
Birds sing cheerful songs
Rays of sunshines warm my cheeks
My yellow dyed dreams return …

Now it’s grey
Everywhere …

When will you come?
Without you, I feel grey ….

Don’t you know?
Grey isn’t what I’m meant to be …

Jaduu Ki Jhappi – A Magical Hug


Did you give Jaduu Ki Jhappi to her today?

Jaduu Ki Jhappi means Magical Hug.

This hug is so powerful that it’s given so tightly, yet so tenderly with all the care and affection that one feels for another, that it itself makes a whole lot difference without saying much words and you both deserve this Jaduu Ki Jhappi always.

Never miss to give it when your beloved needs it; Never hesitate to ask for it when you need it from her, your lover, your best friend …

Your Jaduu Ki Jhappi means the world to her, remember that.

Love your beloved like you never take her for granted, scold her if she is not taking care of her, pamper her like a little girl, protect her as you are her only bodyguard, hold her like you will never let her go❤️ –

“Jaduu Ki Jhappi” says all of these and more to the lovers …


So tell me ​
Have you given Jaduu Ki Jhappi to your beloved today?


Feeling totally lost
Lost inside …
May be it’s my reunion
With my inner guide …

Adrift …

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

Not strong;
I wont be lost

Scared ;
I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost.

Find me
Before the mountains crumble.
Find me
Before I m lost.

How often do you feel lost, lost in translation of your feelings and emotions?

This street photography was taken by me, Downtown Brooklyn, April, 2022. Apart from the whole girly face image, I loved the collage of a bird at the bottom left. Do you love taking photographs while just walking the roads? Do you observe things and people around while on the street? Do you contemplate in midst of crowd? Can you find quiet time with yourself even when you are with people around? Just asking! I’m curious to know you 😊

Diamond is Forever

You shine, then I shine through you

That you are
a diamond
is true; cause
you sparkle

I sparkle;
just as a dew on
a petal; you shine
then i shine

You twinkle
thereon I twinkle
like a beautiful star
cause a diamond
is forever.
its true.

Cause you are
my diamond
and I love u and
its forever


Try to travel, otherwise
you may become racist,
and you may end up believing
that your skin is the only one
to be right,
that your language
is the most romantic
and that you were the first
to be the first.

because if you don’t travel then
your thoughts won’t be strengthened,
won’t get filled with ideas.
Your dreams will be born with fragile legs and then you end up believing in tv-shows, and in those who invent enemies
that fit perfectly with your nightmares
to make you live in terror.

because travel teaches
to say good morning to everyone
regardless of which sun we come from.

because travel teaches
to say goodnight to everyone
regardless of the darkness
that we carry inside.

because traveling teaches to resist,
not to depend,
to accept others, not just for who they are
but also for what they can never be.
To know what we are capable of,
to feel part of a family
beyond borders,
beyond traditions and culture.
Traveling teaches us to be beyond.

otherwise you end up believing
that you are made only for a panorama
and instead inside you
there are wonderful landscapes
still to visit.

Gio_Evan, poet and songwriter.
Translated from Italian.


July, 2021
Golden Gate Bridge
San Francisco, USA

Fear nothing, Travel more