
Poetry has taken over a poem
Time is on my side
Thrilled to watch me try ….

Poetry has taken over a poem
Love is beautiful and wide
Whose music will never die …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Moment is now and happening
A tale being told in the sky …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Stillness fills up empty spaces
Answers my every single why …

‘All poems are poetry, but not all poetry is a poem’ ….



(n.) a person who loves language and words

What words do you use to express your love for them?

The Moonlit Night, Tonight

Srinagar, Kashmir

I’m so lost now …
Seeing you
In the breeze of the moonlit night …

That faraway moon brightens our long conversations so much,
That it feels
Like we could talk forever
In the deep of this moonlit night …

I’m so lost now
Looking deep in your eyes
As you whisper sweet nothings
In the breeze of the moonlit night tonight …