His Precious Jewellery

His look is one of the most
Distinctive in fashion;
Though quite an escapist mode
He owns …

His dominant movement
Has made him one of that
Dominant icon …
A timeless form within,
Bringing the
Unfinished make-up of
The star to my whole being …

Often I wonder
A velvet scarf would appreciate
The beauty more …
Often I think …
The sky blue,
Royal blue,
And rose-gold would reflect
The imagery of his style in my mirror …

In vivid expression,
His is a simpler,
A softer look …
He is his time
And communicates
With a youthful spirit …

As I want more than
Only adoration,
I want insight, an intellectual curiosity
To provoke a luxurious fabrics;
Such as cashmere, or
Duchess satin,
Grey flannel and more …
These do bring forth a nostalgic beauty
To my man’s beauty …

And I’m happy
That often I design him
In Sunday’s best silk with
Traditionally delicate lace …
And this is the centre of all his
Charms defined by me …

Though some fragile knits
And beads are always there …
Still, it’s a fabulous fit for us …
The clothes are all clean and white
Thats what set up our own label,
A chosen one for the privileges …

It’s beyond passion
It’s forevermore with the beloved …
The essence of this passionate heart is
Rooted in his bold and unique spirit …

After all these settled
Fashion and styles,
He often says
Quite fashionably,
‘His heart wears nothing
But only one jewellery’ …
Often he says to me,
‘He treasures nothing but
One precious treasure’ …
And that his precious jewellery
Is me …

Beginning Today

Beginning today,
I will no longer worry about yesterday.
It is in the past and the past will never change.
Only I can change by choosing to do so.

Beginning today,
I will no longer worry about tomorrow.
Tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most of it.
But I cannot make the most of tomorrow without first making the most of today.

Beginning today
I will look in the mirror and I will see a person worthy of my respect and admiration.
This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time with and someone I would like to get to know better.

Beginning today,
I will cherish each moment of my life.
I value this gift bestowed upon me in this world and I will unselfishly share this gift with others.
I will use this gift to enhance the lives of others.

Beginning today
I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to revel in the mysteries I encounter.
I will face challenges with courage and determination.
I will overcome what barriers
there may be which hinder my quest for growth and self-improvement.

Beginning today,
I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time.
Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image, my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.

Beginning today,
I walk with renewed faith in human kindness.
Regardless of what has gone before,
I believe there is hope for a brighter and better future.

Beginning today,
I will open my mind and my heart.
I will welcome new experiences.
I will meet new people.
I will not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else:
Perfection does not exist in an imperfect world.
But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.

Beginning today,
I am responsible for my own happiness and I will do things that make me happy.
Admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favourite music, pet a kitten or a puppy, soak in a bubble bath.
Pleasure can be found in the most simple of gestures.

Beginning today,I will learn something new;I will try something different;I will savour all the various flavors life has to offer me.I will change what I can and the rest I will let go.
I will strive to become the best me I can possibly be.

Beginning today
And every day.

– Penny White



Please read this with a friend who needs to hear this ‘Beginning Today’ …
God gives us faith to share. May we give it to others in the loving spirit in which it was given to us. Sharing is caring.


Her Last Inscription

To love you again and again….

She’s truly honest
In her honest prayers …
Though within her unspeakable despair
And impossibility,
She couldn’t go away far;
But always come back quite inevitably …

All frailties alone cast upon
Her feeble hope that always exits;
Her nature reigns upon her own soul …
She holds on to her faith; yet so unfair her torments,
Make the despair ever greater
Widening her tears itself betwixt,
She watches feebly all souls’ cruel wits …

Impossibility goes not to heaven
Like a weak and an easy prey;
Thinking is not same as knowing,
So at her best, she spends in praying,
Trusting each and everyday.
At times, she tries to cease time
But not her endless pray ….

(Whatever you wish:
You know that you know
But know you not;
Truth is her lord
And always you shall be;
‘My dear, (she whispers)
I’ll serve what you deserve,
Even if you talk
So ungratefully.
:Whenever you wish)

The injustice rankles yet
More often loving comes to her aid.
It is always worth keeping,
Her emotion that rises and trips away springs;
For the sake of her truth, she brings
The words that breathe a reason
Scaring the unfinished conversation even with self …

Though her skies are too dark (at the moment)
With flowers in odor and in hue in sight,
Now she excludes all and wanders through the night …
Being more calm and bright,
Letting all her doubts, thoughts and emotions pass by
To enter the heaven, the endless light,

Lastly, she takes her flight.

So long, she loved at her best,
A bittersweet farewell to her dear is the rest …
She writes her last inscription just to let you in,
‘Please don’t hurt my soulful prayers,
Forgive my selfish tears ….
As I would take rebirth in this world,
With my passion for you
Deep, and fully blooming
And quivers with bliss.’

Above, a bit complex verses, though I think it’s fine …

In a poem I usually use whatever can be called the melody long before I have reached an understanding of all that it might mean. Sometimes I think I can use that to my hearts’ fullness and other time I feel that it’s unfinished yet again conveying the emotions which convince me to love it as it is …
To me, poetry attracts when only emotions endures ….

What aspects of poetry attracts you the most?


diamond is forever


you’re a diamond
is true; cause
you sparkle

i sparkle;
just as a dew on
a petal; you shine
then i shine

you twinkle
there on i twinkle
like a beautiful star
cause a diamond
is forever,
its true.

cause you’re
my diamond
and i love you and
its forever



trouvaille /truːˈvʌɪ/ French tru vi /
(n.) something or someone lovely discovered by a chance. a lucky find.

Journey All Its Own

Dear Art lovers,
Please visit my precious art gallery sometimes
And get an overwhelming experience …
Stare at my artworks for sometime …
Sometimes, stare at my precious artwork for some more time, say, five minutes more or ten minutes longer …
Stare at it, as if you do not have any hurry or hustle …

During that period of time
You may feel that time is moving slow around you and you’re still in front of an artwork …
An artwork by Roksana Amelia
Suppose, it’s her ‘Journey All its Own’ ….
Just I wish
You would love this slow looking at her artwork for a bit longer time …
As it is surely a ‘Journey All its Own’ ….

We all want to know a bit about ourselves ..
Don’t we?
We think we know a lot about ourselves ..
Do we?
You know about ‘Know thyself’ – it’s a famous saying …
But did you ever wonder why it’s a bit difficult to know thyself?
Have we looked deep down into our soul for a bit longer time?
Do we take a bit longer dive into our soul?
Are we comfortable enough to take the journey into our soul a bit longer time?
Or do we feel restless resting in our own soul?
Knowing thyself isn’t so easy, my dear …
Learn the art of slow looking at your own self
Knowing thyself is an art of learning through observation …
To know thyself needs uninterrupted attention;
So take time, dive deep and see your soul through your heart and mind ….

So when you visit my gallery
You may reward a longer look at the precious artworks here ….
Thus you may spend time with the precious journey that you own as well …

This ‘Journey All its Own’ is yours and yours only …
I won’t say how you should look at it.
It’s personal.
You decide what you wish to look and what you feel about it …
It’s about you and this ‘Journey’ …

I just feel happy that
While you’re with my artwork,
You may make your own discoveries out of your slow looking at it …
As if you are diving deep and deep
And forming a very special personal connection with it …

See my dear,
I’m more interested about
This special connection between you and my precious art piece,
Specifically because …..
I so long to wish for that beautiful sight of
You and your ‘Journey All Its Own’ ….

A New Journey
All Its own …

And now tell me, which one/s you feel more connected to your own soul … what specific things would drive you to know yourself better …. Have you ever thought about it?


She is with him
Even when he is not around …
And he makes her smile
Even in his absence ….

Saudade/ portuguese/ /saʊˈdɑːdə/
(n.) a nostalgic longing to be near someone who is distant.

Love Letters …

Love letters, to you. Never received …

Love Letters

Love letters, for you. Never sent …




There’s a Buddha in me saying,
‘When in doubt and confusion, pause.’

There’s a soulmate in me saying,
‘Do not fear. Be vulnerable. Love.’

In Pattaya, Thailand

The Moonlit Night, Tonight

Srinagar, Kashmir

I’m so lost now …
Seeing you
In the breeze of the moonlit night …

That faraway moon brightens our long conversations so much,
That it feels
Like we could talk forever
In the deep of this moonlit night …

I’m so lost now
Looking deep in your eyes
As you whisper sweet nothings
In the breeze of the moonlit night tonight …

A Symphony of Love …

Pahalgam, Kashmir

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….

I felt shy when you came near to me
The breeze could hear the breaths of my silent shyness … but I couldn’t …

My unheard songs are echoing across the mountains
Even though I’m feeling a bit lonely
Without you ….
Yet this loneliness has a fragrance of you
Our love has hopes for tomorrow
This distance looks good to me …

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….

Grey isn’t What I’m Meant to be …

Life is somewhat grey
Just monotony
Lost and lonely …

Don’t you know?

Only when you stay
Life is colorful ….
A hopeful glow
Echoes of brighter joy
Birds sing cheerful songs
Rays of sunshines warm my cheeks
My yellow dyed dreams return …

Now it’s grey
Everywhere …

When will you come?
Without you, I feel grey ….

Don’t you know?
Grey isn’t what I’m meant to be …

And Promise Me …

The Good Traveler

And promise me
You’ll always remember:

Braver than you believe, and
Stronger than you seem, and
Smarter than you think.”

A. A Milne, Winnie the Pooh



On the road

Sonamarg, Kashmir


He says, ‘Hello’

She says, ‘Hello o o o’

Just this much!

And they say nothing else …..


However they talk a lot

With themselves all day long ….


Now this silence and noise

Echoing of a wavelength connecting their minds,

Echoing of a wavelength that prefers speechless songs,

Echoing of a wavelength from the same frequency they send in the sky.


Well, that’s very odd!

From a simple ‘Hello’ to finding this colourful ‘Wavelength’ symphony.


A good vibe though!

What do you say? Hello o o!



In this moment,

In this pouring rain,

I’m, absent-mindedly,

remembering you.

Photo by Anil Kumar Giridhar on Pexels.com