You’re …

My prayer and
My faith deeper than the deepest ocean …

My certain without reasons
My happiness without doubt …

My ballad, a musical dancer …
My chaos in search for an answer …

And you’re
My rainbow through the clouds
Now, here and wherever we’re …

Dwelling in the Eternal Love

Wanted to meet you wearing my white Kanchipuram saree in front of Taj Mahal …

Now you’re coming to the hospital
To see me …

It would be quite an unexpected sight …
But my heart is pounding at the very thought of it …

– Hello, are you okay?
– Yes, I’m okay.
– I’m sorry.
– Why are you sorry? There’s nothing you could’ve done. It was supposed to happen the way I was so clumsy on the road
– Why were you …
– Umm. I’m sorry …

I couldn’t tell him, my heart was restless at the very thought of meeting him for the first time ever …
So I was a bit unmindful and acted clumsily, and silly on the road and there the accident happened in the middle of the midnight …

– Hey, don’t worry. You’ll be fine. I’m coming to you.

Instantly there’s this faster beating of my heart at the very sound of him saying, ‘I’m coming to you.’

I wanted to meet you wearing my very traditional Kanchipuram white saree.
It’s as elegant as Taj.
I feel gorgeous in it.
I have been keeping it aside the day we planned to meet in front of Taj.

Now you are coming to the hospital
and I m wearing this dull hospital gown!
How ironic is that ….. !

Oh, no! I think I could see him.
That’s got to be him …
How am I sure!
Why not …
I have seen him so
Many times in my dreams …
I know how he walks, how he looks, how he would talk to me …

Oh no! I dreamt of conversation over coffee with him …
What will I have with him?
Or is he bringing soup and fruits for a patient (that’s me)?
Unfortunately ….

He’s looking here and there …
Not sure of the direction, I guess …
Should I call him?
Tell him to come straight over here …
I’m just behind this long glass door and
Precisely just follow the directions from where faster loud heartbeats are coming…
That’s mine
How can I manage my heart palpitations?
I can hear it…
It’s unmanageable …

Now, yes he’s near and has found me …
Waving his hand in a friendly smiling manner …
I’m just feeling shy even to wave back a little bit …
As if I have become all still!
My heart is beating so fast
And I do not want him to see me like this …
Nervous and blushing
Hey, but I’m sick …
My heart rate can be high
And I can blush a bit
Fortunately ….

There’s this beating in my heart, and
It sounds like you …
You told me when you would meet me,
You’ll recite my favourite poem, and that’s
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
“Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky”
Now you won’t be reciting the poem …
Now you’ll just sit in front of my hospital bed
And talk this or that …
As if I would be in pain listening to your recitation, you would think …
But trust me, I won’t be in pain
To listen to you …
I don’t know if you can hear me properly
Cause at the back of my mind, I’m hearing you reciting, ‘Let us go then, you and I’ …
I also feel to just leave this place
You and I …

How boring this place is
For two strangers to meet for the first time …

– Hey, finally, I’m able to see you. How are you now?
(Your thoughtful words for me)
– I’m just fine. The doctor said I can leave by 3 pm …
– Really? That’s awesome then. It’s already 1 pm. Should we finalize the papers and payments etc?
– Oh! Don’t worry! That’s already done. I just can wrap up all the papers and medicines.
– Where’s your lugguge?
– There’s a locker for the patients without attendance. So they kept those there. My hotel pickup car will soon arrive …
– What? No ways! I’ve my car and you’re coming with me. I may drop you there. You’ll finish the checked in at your hotel and then take some time to freshen up. Then we’ll go for an early dinner, I mean if you would feel fine. Or we can meet tomorrow again. Don’t worry.

While he was saying all these words there, I was thinking all in my mind,
‘Then I’ll wear my white Kanchipuram saree for the dinner with him which I wanted to wear to meet him for the first time in front of Taj Mahal.’

He saw my blank look and suddenly I heard him asking,
– Don’t you trust me?

There my heartbeat paused for a bit and I told him,
– I trust you.
– Did you listen what I said?
– Yes, I did …
– Good. So all’s settled then…

Finally we’re getting into cozy conversation…
A quiet conversation
In the eternal love …


To be continued ….

Tell me, if it were you written this dialogue style poem, what title would you use for it?

I’m just curious ….

A Melancholic Music

You are like a music
Which creates melancholic
moods inside my heart …
A melody that lingers, night and day …
I take time to listen to it,
I find myself enchanted;
When nothing seems to ease my restlessness
I listen to you, my music
To walk the long journey of life
Even though it only creates melancholic moods
But you are like that music to me
Loving, healing, heart-touching
Connecting my soul to you
Forever and always ….

Apharwat Peak, Gulmarg

The Moonlit Night, Tonight

Srinagar, Kashmir

I’m so lost now …
Seeing you
In the breeze of the moonlit night …

That faraway moon brightens our long conversations so much,
That it feels
Like we could talk forever
In the deep of this moonlit night …

I’m so lost now
Looking deep in your eyes
As you whisper sweet nothings
In the breeze of the moonlit night tonight …

A Symphony of Love …

Pahalgam, Kashmir

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….

I felt shy when you came near to me
The breeze could hear the breaths of my silent shyness … but I couldn’t …

My unheard songs are echoing across the mountains
Even though I’m feeling a bit lonely
Without you ….
Yet this loneliness has a fragrance of you
Our love has hopes for tomorrow
This distance looks good to me …

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….

Grey isn’t What I’m Meant to be …

Life is somewhat grey
Just monotony
Lost and lonely …

Don’t you know?

Only when you stay
Life is colorful ….
A hopeful glow
Echoes of brighter joy
Birds sing cheerful songs
Rays of sunshines warm my cheeks
My yellow dyed dreams return …

Now it’s grey
Everywhere …

When will you come?
Without you, I feel grey ….

Don’t you know?
Grey isn’t what I’m meant to be …

A Home

I haven’t met you
I haven’t seen you
But often I feel a home in you …




Where the glacier meets the sky, the land ceases to be earthly, and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore, and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reigns there, beyond all demands”-

Halldór Laxness

A Postcard from Kashmir


I know exactly

How it would be to meet you …


It might happen

That I might be busy observing you

Once if we meet ever …

It might happen

That I might forget to drink water

In front of you …


Which colour do you like?

How do you smile?

Are you talkative?

Or quiet like me!

Or you talk gibberish like me

I m sure I might talk gibberish in front of you though …

Out of my belly butterflies 🦋


I ll be busy

Observing you

How do you look?

How do you talk?

What do you prefer wearing?

Are you nervous?

Do you need your space to feel relaxed a little bit

Then you would get up and go to the outside for a while … (to take deep breaths?!)

Have you also forgotten to drink water

In front of me?

Just like me?


Exactly how you will start the conversation

With me?

Would it be casual or formal?

I think you ll be formal

Gradually you ll be casual that I know

It might happen after a while

That we both are laughing on a joke

The joke might be just about our time …

That our time is so silly billy


I know

How it would be to meet you …

However it might happen that

I will never see you in life …


But look, I swear

In the solemn silence of everyday dawn

I meet you from afar!

Everyday I meet you as the soft yellow sun rises in the far away skyline

And the birds sing to me the prose of our meeting

And the soft breeze portrays to me

Exactly how our first meeting would be …


Now tell me

Can I not know you from afar?

What do you say?


Conversation Over Coffee ☕️

It was raining here …

She called him with a cup of coffee in her hand.

It was raining there too …

He received the call with a cup of coffee in his hand.

She said, ‘What are you doing?’

He said, ‘I’m drinking coffee and watching the rainstorm. And you?’

She said, ‘I’m drinking coffee too by the window, watching the raindrops falling on the trees in my garden. Enjoying it.’

He said, ‘How’s your treatment going on?

She said, ‘fine.’

He said, ‘Well, that’s good to know. Why did you call now?’

She took a moment. Then …

She said, ‘I missed you.’

He took a moment. Then …

He said, ‘Do you miss me just as a friend or as a guy?’

She said, ‘As a guy!’

He took a pause. Smiled a little bit.

She took a sip from her coffee cup as if to relax a bit with the words spoken finally to him.

The pouring rain was making a beautiful breeze.

They both felt it on their way.

From here to there.

From there to here.

He said, ‘I’m done with the house. I even sleep here sometimes. It’s pretty. I did a pretty nice job.’

She said, ‘I plan to visit soon.’

He said, ‘What?’

She said, ‘May be in about ten days. Next weekend!’

He said, ‘Why are you coming? Are you coming to jump into the sea here? Don’t you even think so. You’ll freeze to death, you know. The water gets cold in winter. You know that, na?’

She said, ‘Why are you saying this and that? Why will I jump into the sea? I’ll be coming to visit you. Not for any other reason.’

He said hurriedly, ‘Okay. Let’s hang up. I’m busy.’

Then he smiled a sweet smile after such a long time.

Then he started singing, ‘If you ever need me, just give me a call. I’ll run over to you whenever. Whether it’s raining or hail-storming, I don’t care.’

Then she smiled a sweet smile as if she was hearing his song. 🎵

It was raining here.

It was raining there.

Their conversation was going on and on …

In the rain.
