The Moonlit Night, Tonight

Srinagar, Kashmir

I’m so lost now …
Seeing you
In the breeze of the moonlit night …

That faraway moon brightens our long conversations so much,
That it feels
Like we could talk forever
In the deep of this moonlit night …

I’m so lost now
Looking deep in your eyes
As you whisper sweet nothings
In the breeze of the moonlit night tonight …

And Promise Me …

The Good Traveler

And promise me
You’ll always remember:

Braver than you believe, and
Stronger than you seem, and
Smarter than you think.”

A. A Milne, Winnie the Pooh



On the road

Sonamarg, Kashmir

Early Morning Rituals

Wake up early morning …
Watch the beautiful sunrise …
You can watch it from your small or big balcony or rooftop (if possible or you prefer)
Or just from your window …

Sit and feel the breeze on your cheeks …
Contemplate … touch the petals softly …
Smile … keep smiling 😃
Oh! I forgot to say …
Can you please sit with a glass of warm water with honey and কালিজিরা (black cumin) in it?
(Or you like a cup of tea early morning?
I don’t know about you)
They say it’s good for health if you can have the warm water with honey and black cumin in the early morning of everyday …
Write something … converse with yourself …
Read aloud for a while …

Stretch your body …
Make your bed nicely …
And say, ‘Thank you bed for a wonderful warmth that I felt from my last night’s sleep on you! You are so very kind!’
You can blow a flying kiss to it 😘

(You want to go for a walk
Early morning?
I don’t know about you.
But if you go for an early morning walk,
It’s all good … Let’s walk together …)

Now start the day.

Heyyy, don’t forget to take a long shower
(If you are not in a hurry though;
See, I don’t know about you)

Finally, be grateful for the day, pray …
For you are alive, breathing!
Every new day is a new beginning …

Byeeee for now 😊


What are your morning rituals?
Let me know please.


Conversation over Coffee

She says, He says
He says, She says

⁃ You ll get hurt.

⁃ Then try not to hurt me. And why are you determined to hurt me? Do you need time? To think?

⁃ No

⁃ Okay. I asked you to go on a trip with me but why haven’t you replied? What’s with that look? This is boring. Forget it.

⁃ Have you ever lied in your life?

⁃ I don’t lie. But to be truth to you I have lied when I was little.

Oh, wait! I guess I’m lying right now?

⁃ Now?

⁃ The fact that you still haven’t given me an answer about going on a trip together is really getting on my nerves right now. And I’m honestly a little hurt. But I’m acting like I’m fine, so I guess that counts as a lie. Heyyyy, why are you laughing? If you don’t like me that much, let’s just end it here.

⁃ You can’t just thoughtlessly trust someone when they haven’t done anything to gain your trust. We are not kids.

⁃ You have a point. Right!

⁃ Let’s go on a trip.

⁃ What? But I didn’t do anything to gain your trust.

⁃ You did.

⁃ When?

⁃ Just now. You told me you don’t lie. That’s good enough.

⁃ You’re very peculiar.

⁃ Let’s go on a trip to Stupa Island.

⁃ Stupa Island sounds great.

⁃ Okay.

She says, He says
He says, She says

Their conversation while having coffee.