
The cosmos is within us
The dance is absolutely amazing
Abundantly fabulous …

Imagination is great
For the knowledge we possess
The inner child returns to find
A new era of time …
Becoming a wild free soul, fabulous …

The soul has the rhyme
From the time it’s born …
Listen to the Talisman of your own,
Daydreaming in this cosmic energy,
Travelling to the worlds, fabulous …

Let the universe find
The questions you have,
The answers you need –
All are dwelling inside
Waiting for a spark to
Find its magic, fabulously powerful …
A new pathway to excellence…

You belong to the mysterious space
Your dreams are coming back to you
There’s a song called cosmic abyss
From the beginning to eternity
The eternal flame, that’s fabulous …

Jijivisha/ hindi
(n.) jijivisha is the intense desire to live (or continue living) in the highest sense of being …

A humble video of JBC Paintings Prints on white ambush A4 paper (300gsm).

I hope you’ll like these.☺️✨🤲


A Melancholic Music

You are like a music
Which creates melancholic
moods inside my heart …
A melody that lingers, night and day …
I take time to listen to it,
I find myself enchanted;
When nothing seems to ease my restlessness
I listen to you, my music
To walk the long journey of life
Even though it only creates melancholic moods
But you are like that music to me
Loving, healing, heart-touching
Connecting my soul to you
Forever and always ….

Apharwat Peak, Gulmarg

Grey isn’t What I’m Meant to be …

Life is somewhat grey
Just monotony
Lost and lonely …

Don’t you know?

Only when you stay
Life is colorful ….
A hopeful glow
Echoes of brighter joy
Birds sing cheerful songs
Rays of sunshines warm my cheeks
My yellow dyed dreams return …

Now it’s grey
Everywhere …

When will you come?
Without you, I feel grey ….

Don’t you know?
Grey isn’t what I’m meant to be …

Early Morning Rituals

Wake up early morning …
Watch the beautiful sunrise …
You can watch it from your small or big balcony or rooftop (if possible or you prefer)
Or just from your window …

Sit and feel the breeze on your cheeks …
Contemplate … touch the petals softly …
Smile … keep smiling 😃
Oh! I forgot to say …
Can you please sit with a glass of warm water with honey and কালিজিরা (black cumin) in it?
(Or you like a cup of tea early morning?
I don’t know about you)
They say it’s good for health if you can have the warm water with honey and black cumin in the early morning of everyday …
Write something … converse with yourself …
Read aloud for a while …

Stretch your body …
Make your bed nicely …
And say, ‘Thank you bed for a wonderful warmth that I felt from my last night’s sleep on you! You are so very kind!’
You can blow a flying kiss to it 😘

(You want to go for a walk
Early morning?
I don’t know about you.
But if you go for an early morning walk,
It’s all good … Let’s walk together …)

Now start the day.

Heyyy, don’t forget to take a long shower
(If you are not in a hurry though;
See, I don’t know about you)

Finally, be grateful for the day, pray …
For you are alive, breathing!
Every new day is a new beginning …

Byeeee for now 😊


What are your morning rituals?
Let me know please.


The Ache That Would Not Leave’ – A Painting

Can I ask you something?

“Behind the hum and routine of daily living, there lay a persistent and wild longing for something she could not easily put into words. It felt like impulsive adventures and watching the sun rise over unfamiliar mountains ….

The truly heartbreaking part was that she could feel the remaining days of her life falling away, like leaves from an autumn tree, but still this mysterious person who held the key to unlock her secrets did not arrive; they were missing, and she knew not where to find them.”
-John Mark Green


I treasure my painting moments ….
What are your treasured moments?


I know exactly

How it would be to meet you …


It might happen

That I might be busy observing you

Once if we meet ever …

It might happen

That I might forget to drink water

In front of you …


Which colour do you like?

How do you smile?

Are you talkative?

Or quiet like me!

Or you talk gibberish like me

I m sure I might talk gibberish in front of you though …

Out of my belly butterflies 🦋


I ll be busy

Observing you

How do you look?

How do you talk?

What do you prefer wearing?

Are you nervous?

Do you need your space to feel relaxed a little bit

Then you would get up and go to the outside for a while … (to take deep breaths?!)

Have you also forgotten to drink water

In front of me?

Just like me?


Exactly how you will start the conversation

With me?

Would it be casual or formal?

I think you ll be formal

Gradually you ll be casual that I know

It might happen after a while

That we both are laughing on a joke

The joke might be just about our time …

That our time is so silly billy


I know

How it would be to meet you …

However it might happen that

I will never see you in life …


But look, I swear

In the solemn silence of everyday dawn

I meet you from afar!

Everyday I meet you as the soft yellow sun rises in the far away skyline

And the birds sing to me the prose of our meeting

And the soft breeze portrays to me

Exactly how our first meeting would be …


Now tell me

Can I not know you from afar?

What do you say?


In Thy Heart

Whispering …..

In thy heart, whispering

Always, joy blooming, sublime ….

In thy heart, singing

The song of loving, time between time ….

In thy heart, sprinkling

A word of hope, an image or just me ….