A Story of Paintings

These two little authentic and original artworks, titled ‘Shiny Mountains’ were done on plain color fabric using acrylic paint and metallic paint …
And then I embroidered my favourite pine trees on these …
And then I used wooden standing frames to put these little paintings inside of the frames …
And then I’m happy with the overall presentation of my little beauties …
And then some people love these so much that they keep these in such an aesthetic manner to make a corner of their home artistic, just like this …

It might be a quite insignificant tale for others,
but it’s never an insignificant story for me. The act of creating art serves as a means of healing for me and a way to exist as myself and in this journey I’ve found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

It’s so humbling that I feel like I keep on creating and sharing my artworks for each and everyone.

I love these stories around Jian Bird Creates’ artworks and paintings.
Truly life is about creating yourself through everyday stories. And I’m very happy that my stories are being created by Jian Bird Creates, a humble brand based out of a room in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh.

Thank you warmly, and for your love, honour and support in JBC artworks.


Roksana Amelia
Artist & Artrepreneur
Jian Bird Creates

What gives you a sense of purpose in life?

Cracks – A Painting

You’re shattered enough to understand that cracks are required for light to enter …

Let the light enter your soul …

We are all broken—that’s how the light gets in

Ernest Hemingway

Isn’t it true?


The Ache That Would Not Leave’ – A Painting

Can I ask you something?

“Behind the hum and routine of daily living, there lay a persistent and wild longing for something she could not easily put into words. It felt like impulsive adventures and watching the sun rise over unfamiliar mountains ….

The truly heartbreaking part was that she could feel the remaining days of her life falling away, like leaves from an autumn tree, but still this mysterious person who held the key to unlock her secrets did not arrive; they were missing, and she knew not where to find them.”
-John Mark Green


I treasure my painting moments ….
What are your treasured moments?