A Book with A Few Thoughts

Some days I like to walk with a book….
And with that, there are some words to reflect..

Don’t go back to past.
There’s nothing you can do about it.
Accept where you’re at and move on and try be in the present.
Have gratitude for what you already have.
Have compassion and accept what is.
And if you can change it, it’s okay.
But there are somethings that you need to accept that you can’t change
And if you can’t change, let it go.
Be who you’re and people will like you.

A grief is a grief is a grief, and there’s not a piece of me that believes one loss is greater than another…Everyone’s loss is greater in their life. Try to understand this and be empathetic about it. So in a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Time is the finest gift one can give to other from heart and soul. Empathy is the truest attribute one can possess for others.

Just “Don’t ever give anybody enough power to bring back the triggered unhealed version of you, when you’ve worked so hard to become better than that” ….


There’s a Buddha in me saying,
‘When in doubt and confusion, pause.’

There’s a soulmate in me saying,
‘Do not fear. Be vulnerable. Love.’

In Pattaya, Thailand

And Promise Me …

The Good Traveler

And promise me
You’ll always remember:

Braver than you believe, and
Stronger than you seem, and
Smarter than you think.”

A. A Milne, Winnie the Pooh



On the road

Sonamarg, Kashmir


Is a reflection of you
A mirror of a beautiful reflection of me?


A reflection of you
Is nothing but a beautiful reflection of me.