23 thoughts on “Let the Rain-clouds Linger on”

    1. Thank you dear Michele.
      I really love this too specially when I read it quite slowly … giving apt pause for a moment to think and then read again … slowly …


      Have a wonderful time….


    1. Thank you dear Ranjana.
      I love this too. And I think it’s more beautiful when you imagine yourself in such abode and read it slowly ….
      Just my thought about my ‘Rain clouds’ musings ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m truly happy to see your comment on my blogposts.

        I think my blogposts are simple, humbled, and sensitive. Not all may like my posts. But this is how I am.
        May be some like for a brief while then they may drift away ….
        However, you are coming consistently and encouraging me with your thoughts about the post and that is one thing people give to others, that’s time, and it’s a precious gift of all time…

        Thank you for your precious time here. You make me smile. I’m truly grateful for that.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well… I receive very postive energy from you and your work. You respond in a friendly manner. And you care about your readers. Like you are not posting for the sake of sharing. You actually care to respond.

        This is why I will come again and again to spam you, haha

        Keep smiling, inshallah

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s great.
        Devang, you too spread positive energy.

        Well, okay, I happily welcome this kind of spam … ha ha

        Let me tell you a story about ‘ha ha’ …

        So we’ve a siblings group. As my other sisters live abroad. We catch up often through writing, sharing pictures, video calling, dumping our frustrations or just pure jokes etc and a lot of other things. And I’m the joker and tube-light over there and they enjoy that, I enjoy too of course.
        So two days ago, just for a brief while, I was a bit sad, and it reflected in my sharing and immediately my younger sister marked that, and asked me, ‘Why are you sad?… anyone said anything to you?’ – I said, ‘No’. and then I was just keeping quiet.

        If I’m sad, I go complete quiet and away. Cause I do not look good in sad face or sad writings etc. It drains me more. And I feel people do not like to hear about sad things in general. So I avoid that. I may become a shoulder to others to listen if they wish to share, but I feel double sad if I ever happen to share my sadness with others.
        However, yesterday I was silently just sharing some of my favourite quotes to my siblings group, a lot of quotes of mixed emotions and wisdom topics ranging from life to grieving to parenting to accepting to gratitude….
        Lastly I wrote there, “quotes শেয়ার করতে করতে tired হয়ে গেলাম… হা হা (Uff, I’m tired of sharing all these quotes with you all now… ha ha”
        Then immediately my sister wrote there
        “সব quote এর পরে তোমার হা হা হা টা দেখেই বেশি ভালো লাগলো।
        তোমার হা হা is the best quote so far
        যেই মন খারাপ মনে হয়েছিল।
        (Loved your ha ha at the end of sharing all these quotes. Your ha ha is the best quote so far. You seemed so sad.)”

        Then another sister also said, ‘হ্যা। আমারও। আবার হাসো তো। Yes, me too. Please smile again.)

        Then I laughed and wrote there
        Haha ha ha haha ha
        Now see I have shared a Ha ha ha song for all of your request. How is the song ? 🫣
        My sister wrote, ‘Once more. Once more.’


        I love when I can spread positivity and smile around.

        Thank you Devang once again for your valuable time here and for spreading the spams of positivity altogether. In shaAllah

        Smile often and make others smile often too


        Liked by 1 person

      4. Well you don’t seem to be sad now
        Because you wrote this much, ha ha ha

        It’s good.

        But, if there’s anything that’s bothering you. Please feel free to share. You can contact me easily though mail or social media. I will listen to you patiently.

        I wish you some sunshine ☀️

        Keep shining
        Ha ha 🤭

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you Devang.
        I enjoyed my Sunday afternoon with my mom and aunt. It was great, simple little chitchat and some activity with homemade snacks …

        I’ll be happy if I share any of my musings, thoughts or verses, or something that I own in whatever form it comes, such as, painting, poems, photographs…. or simple minimalistic verses to convey deep emotions ….

        Meanwhile I read….
        I do not know why I bought a book from Srinagar International airport. But I love airport bookstores and so I spent some time there and I bought few books and one of the book is ‘My Happily Forever’ … so reading it for the pleasure of reading 🙃

        Looking forward to your posts as well. 🎉❄️🥳🍕☕️


      6. I’m glad to know that you had a delightful sunday

        I hope there were some “Ha Ha”

        It’s great that you find time with something you love. Yes would love to read and view more of your work.

        I will searc and know more about the book.

        I never purchased books from airports. However nowdays I’m buying too many books, so I’m certain I’ll end up with buying some.
        I’ll check out the book you shared.

        My posts will take a while. I’m working on some things with my site, as mentioned in the blog. 😊
        Please feel free to read some of my other blogs.

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      7. Yes, yes there were some ha ha’ ….

        I haven’t yet written much, not as rich content as yours and many other sites. But yes, you can read if you get time. Thank you so much for that. Getting feedbacks from someone genuine is a great matter.

        Yes I remember you got a lot of things to do with the updated domain… And I’m sure it’s gonna be unique and popular site. Most importantly your readers will be benefited greatly from your contents.

        Meanwhile I’ll definitely read some of your posts. You’ll eventually know because I’m going to write there as well. Knock knock ✊

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      8. Haha, I wish my content was as rich as you say. I’m learning and experimenting.

        I hope to benefit the reader by providing read worthy content.

        What do you mean by “Write there as well”? 😃

        Liked by 1 person

      9. You’re already doing it – the readers do get benefit from your content.

        Like I’m really into this Sattu. Yesterday I asked my aunt about it as my grand mother used to make it and I had the memory of savouring it but never ever I tried to make it all by myself. So my aunt told me about it as I asked her, and she told me that we used to have it with jaggery and that I could recall ….

        However, I m saying this to let you believe that yes people like me also felt urge to make something which she almost forgot about it already …

        Actually it was not lost entirely …
        It just needed the Fat Guy blog to remember the sweet memory with my grandmother and her Sattu.

        So in this way, people find your content rich and beneficial.

        I meant I may write comment after reading your blogposts… then you will get to know 🙃

        Liked by 1 person

      10. I would love to learn more of your sattu adventures.

        A great source of protein and fiber. It’s very nourishing, especially in the Summers .

        People eat it differently. They even make tikki( cutlet) out of it. I like it sweet. It’s among few sweet things that I like.


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