
Poetry has taken over a poem
Time is on my side
Thrilled to watch me try ….

Poetry has taken over a poem
Love is beautiful and wide
Whose music will never die …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Moment is now and happening
A tale being told in the sky …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Stillness fills up empty spaces
Answers my every single why …

‘All poems are poetry, but not all poetry is a poem’ ….



(n.) a person who loves language and words

What words do you use to express your love for them?


It’s happening
She hasn’t met someone
She hasn’t seen someone
But she’s falling for that someone …
It’s happening

Unreal yet real but not as real as it is …
Quite inexplicable and yet very true it is ….

Raabta/ urdu
(n.) inexplicable connection with another soul …

I have been suffering from the viral fever of the season for the last two days and this fever is quite different from what I had experienced before. So yesterday even in my feverish head and body, my mind felt to write something, that went like, ‘The cosmos is within us, the dance is absolutely amazing, let the universe find the questions you have, the answers you need” …. Then may be for a second or two, I felt hallucinations … may be or may be not … sometimes high temperatures do cause such things, right? However, I’m all fine with the fever still going on … So today, when I was going through those yesterday’s musings, I dropped the idea of writing further about the cosmos verses one, and really felt passionate about writing this one …


So simple, yet I hope you like it ✨♥️





Enchanting Kashmir’ has a hypnotic bell that keep ringing in my heart and soul … so you may find a lot of videos and images that I so dearly keep sharing … 😊


Towards You

It wanders towards you – my heart





In this moment,

In this pouring rain,

I’m, absent-mindedly,

remembering you.

Photo by Anil Kumar Giridhar on