
My heart is full of many things to say to you
But I feel speech is nothing to you at all …

I believe
We shall surely see each other someday
Though I’m afraid I wouldn’t deliver the observations
So far I’ve made ….
The emotions that’s touching me these days,
In moments so weird ….

I believe
Love is an act of forgiveness
A tender look that may become
So sad
But what do I do out of it?
My tender look is my
Strange habit ….

I believe
My undefined patience
And the passion of my angels
Give me much relief
Cause I know you …
Although you show your indifference
But I bet it’s only out of love,
Not hate …

Then suddenly
I get this bittersweet feeling of onsra, that whatever little we have is coming to a close

My heart is full of many things to say to you
But I feel speech is nothing to you at all

Tell me if I’m wrong ….

Onsra/ boro
(n.) the bittersweet feeling of loving for the last time, or realizing your love won’t last


There’s a Buddha in me saying,
‘When in doubt and confusion, pause.’

There’s a soulmate in me saying,
‘Do not fear. Be vulnerable. Love.’

In Pattaya, Thailand

Towards You

It wanders towards you – my heart




A Symphony of Love …

Pahalgam, Kashmir

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….

I felt shy when you came near to me
The breeze could hear the breaths of my silent shyness … but I couldn’t …

My unheard songs are echoing across the mountains
Even though I’m feeling a bit lonely
Without you ….
Yet this loneliness has a fragrance of you
Our love has hopes for tomorrow
This distance looks good to me …

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….


The dawn was breaking
You looked at me
I looked at you
The place was a haunting one
The light was shining
You and I collide
Yet we never kissed …
You never touched my face …
What could I say?
What could I do?
There I stood, unknowing
What’s happening
In a world full of billions
There were you
Mixed with all of the chaos
Inside and Out
At that very moment
I somehow felt
You and I collide
For a reason …
The dawn was breaking
You looked at me
I looked at you