
She heard him only once
She liked his voice …

She wish she could know his voice long ago..
She thought it
With a trace of melancholy …

In-Yun / korean /
(n.) The ties between people over the course of their lives, and the belief that we meet certain people because we had interactions with them in thousands of past lives …

It’s a word in Korean, In-Yun, it means fate. But it’s specifically about relationships between people. It’s an In-Yun, if two strangers even walk by each other in the street, and their clothes accidentally brush. Because it means there must have been something between them in their past lives. If two people get married, they say it’s because there have been 8,000 layers of In-Yun over 8,000 lifetimes ….

Do you believe in In-Yun?


In the wind
A flower brings life,
Plain and pure;
That you once sowed ..
It’s a work that you can see
It’s blooming …

In the wind
A mystery seems invisible;
Believing is the touch,
That you once felt ..
It’s a work that your mind
Can not resist ….

In the wind
A yearning hums a tune,
Simpler and warm ..
That you once met and mingled;
It’s a work that you
Can not get over it …

In the wind
A sound whispers in the ears,
Caressing silently ..
That you once belonged;
It’s a work that you’ve
Ever fallen like rain …

In the wind
A love brings life
That you once gave it all;
It’s a work that you can never forget
And neither it’s ever over ….

Commuovere (Italian) /ko’mːwɔvere/
(v.) this word means you’ve been moved or touched or had your heart warmed, by someone. Specifically, it’s a story that has stirred your heart or moved you to tears …


Sometimes I do feel a bit of strange when I find my mind chooses the words that tread the hazy line between romance, or emotions of two potential lovers or just someone who I may have met somewhere, in my imagination or real, or virtually, or anywhere in the universe, … then I feel that while writing it’s not necessarily solely about me all the time and it’s not what it seems as well and it’s just something that makes me feel happy when I can express certain feelings as it comes within; Often I know, through these words, I simply may portray someone else’s longing, or devotion, or heartbreaking phase, or someone who might be seeking solace from the world of separation, or someone who makes his love stronger even when it’s over … or just about me trying to find the right words to describe an indescribable feeling within ….


Felt a quite chaos while painting it, so I named it CHAOS

A Little Walk

So I went to a bit far away village for a simple photo-walk. There I met some extraordinary people of all ages who welcomed me wholeheartedly. But they do not know me. I do not know them until today … Some love their goats, some love their fields, some love their busy time – and all were happy and contented. I just love that so much. The simplicity. The care they carry for a stranger is nothing but the glory of their life.

I felt so much warm around them. Few children of that village accompanied me all the time … wherever I was going they were always there …

I took a lot of pictures. Here I have shared only a few. When I get a scope of taking pictures, I go crazy. I even do not remember from when I get this attraction to take photos wherever I would go or wherever I would be … I simply love when I hear my camera makes the sound, ‘Click Click’. I feel so passionate about it! Between smiles, laughter, and capturing memories, who wouldn’t just love photography?

I’m sure photography tells a story. You can see these photographs and make the story for yourself …

Will you?

For a little walk
With me,
Will you please come?
A little far away
From chaos and bustle
Of city life
Will you please come?
For a little walk
Down the valley
With a tune of a song
That you like and I love too …
Will you please come?


This love-story is stuck on a chord in my heartstrings …

Sometimes Somehow

Somehow I feel
I love you …

Somehow I mean
To say, ‘I need you’ …

Somehow I shyly
Whisper, ‘I want you’ …

Somehow I think
I have you as mine …

Somehow I get
That you are near me …

Somehow I know
I’m a mess without you …

Somehow I dream
Walking beside you …

Somehow I hope
A lifetime of promises
With you …

Somehow I hear
You saying all of these
To me …

Sometimes somehow I feel funny writing all these letters of love. Then sometimes somehow I know somewhere someone may resonate all of my these simple, plain and quite undecorated letters of love for themselves … And then all the time I know that the letters of love may differ from person to person, but the in-depth feelings of love remain the same…

How do you feel about the letters of love? 😊


She asked him a stupid question …
He kept himself quiet saying nothing …

In the nothingness of this silence she felt embarrassed …
But never ever embarrassment felt so good to her.

What was the question by the way? ☺️



I struggle to convey in words
What I want to say to you ..

I talk to you every day
You may not hear me
Word by word;
But you already know it all, I know …

You remain so quiet …
Day by day you are becoming quieter
(Oh! How I hate it!)
It seems that you want me to
Remain quiet too …
Cause all these chattering
May make it messier between us
And I can see that too …

Sometimes I think
I will stay quiet …
May be, only then
I’ll be free from
My struggle to say it all
To you.

Have you ever experienced such inexpressible moments to express yourself in your life?


Feeling totally lost
Lost inside …
May be it’s my reunion
With my inner guide …