You’re …

My prayer and
My faith deeper than the deepest ocean …

My certain without reasons
My happiness without doubt …

My ballad, a musical dancer …
My chaos in search for an answer …

And you’re
My rainbow through the clouds
Now, here and wherever we’re …

6 thoughts on “You’re …”

    1. Dear Devang, thanks for reading and this is huge word for me to get in here. Thank you so much, you are very kind to say that!

      When it comes to portray my thoughts, emotions and feelings in words, I wish to believe it takes the form of poem. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t, I guess… and when it happens, and people like you appreciate it and I feel blessed. Personally I loved Detached Attachment and May be the recent last long one, Dwelling into Eternal Love and few others as well!

      Thanks once again ☺️
      Take care & Smileee 🙃


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