Fluent in Silence – A Painting

if you are
too tired to speak,
sit next to me
for I, too, am
fluent in silence.”

The Girl on the Front Porch by Ron Arnold




Tell me, are you fluent in silence?

27 thoughts on “Fluent in Silence – A Painting”

    1. Yes. Depends though …

      Personally, I can be with myself in perfect silence with all sorts of reading, my paintings, talking with self, slowing down, watching fav movie, May be a Korean one 😀 …

      But with my loved ones, I do not enjoy silence for long, but for that brief moment as to gaze to the moonlit sky with all those twinkling stars and then after sometime, I need to break the silence – so this much frequent in silence I can be 😊

      I love this too. Actually love this so so much.

      Thank you dear for stopping by and sharing your thoughts here. Grateful

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes! ❤

        You are so right. There is a time for silence but when around friends, loved ones, or associates we enjoy those times of communication and laughter ♥


    1. Thank you dear Pooja. I loved that you loved the poem and my painting ….

      Fluent in silence is great for many aspects.
      Sometimes I do feel restless when it’s with my loved ones. With my loved ones I would like more communication with some occasional silence to savour the beauty of nature, or movie, or any art gallery, or just staring at the faraway moon in the sky, or feeling calm soft breeze together in any land of the world ….

      Thanks for your kind presence in my blogposts. Feeling grateful always.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha…
      OMG….you’ve just spoiled the tenderness of these so beautiful sweet verses….
      The writer won’t like it at all! 🤣

      And yes, when I read these lines, I immediately fell in love with these verses, may be at the back of my mind I have an image of someone who is so fluent in silence …

      However, too much silence is too much for me .…. I feel ‘dhur’ like a fool! 🤭

      You loved the painting – thank you so much. Grateful for your kind presence always on my posts with your valuable comments.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Amazing idea. I would love to do this with someone too. I would prefer sit down or just lie down … It must have been an incredible feeling… peaceful, quiet and relaxing…. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

      But I have another story. I had a friend. She and I used to call each other and we would say just nonstop gibberish, such as, jeurjekdikejdjejjdjkdjwhshjdhhehejjdjcjkgisoakjekkdhjruvk and many more
      Ha ha
      And then we would laugh nonstop…
      And laughing is fun, and it’s good for health and heart as well…

      Anyways, I loved your idea so much. I wish to do this with someone one day …


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