A Paradise Picturesque

I’m in love with the scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop ….and I have never been to any snow-clad mountains up so close. It was a surrealistic feeling for me. I visited Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, Anantnag. I was excited for Gulmarg Gondola, the world’s second longest & second highest cable car 14,000 above sea level with picturesque views. Gondola ride takes around 22 minutes to reach Mountain Apharwat Peak from Gulmarg town and it is worth every minute to visit the peak. Exceptional views of sky and clouds. I was mesmerised by the wonderful view of the magnificent snow clad peaks. I loved the activities that I did, hiking, skiing ⛷️, sleighing. Had yummy coffee and Maggie soup there up on that mountain peak. So interesting!

Apart from Gulmarg Gondola and peak of the Apharwat mountain attractions, I loved Betaab Valley, Pahalgam valley, Dal lake, Zoji La, Baltal, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Pari Mahal, Night staying on a houseboat and Shikara ride in the fabulous Dal Lake, Horse riding to go to Baisaran Valley – each and everywhere I went, I can write a whole lot of things – but that story I may share later, some other day …

Here let me tell you about how destiny took me to Kashmir ….

I was planning an India trip with close ones. Initially we planned to visit the famous Taj Mahal in Agra, then Jaipur, Delhi also. But there were some situation which made me plan for Kolkata with another school friend. We bought the tickets even. But then again I had to rethink my trip and cancelled the air ticket. Then two of my colleagues wanted to join me for Darjeeling. Again we were making a bit research on this to make a good itinerary for us three. Then that plan also got cancelled. And I was the only one left to make the trip to India. But the timing wasn’t preferable for some reason and I wanted to avoid few particular dates specifically for my youngest sister was coming after months. Then I was in dilemma also, cause I didn’t want to make the trip alone. My family didn’t have any visa. Now I had only few days left to make the trip happen. Lastly within two days I tagged myself with some girls whom I didn’t know and they were going to Kashmir and that again they planned on the days when my sister was coming. With a bit of mixed emotions about not being able to spend time with my chhotu sister, I decided to join that group of girls. So finally I was going to take that solo trip with them whom I never met and they happened to be my travel companions for seven days.

The moment I flew for Kashmir’s, I was terribly missing my family, and sisters back home. And then the moment I landed in one of the Heaven on Earth, I was spellbound by the stars and universe joined in with its magic wand upon me to make me this much enchanted 🤩 🪄….

That’s why if someone asks me, ‘Is Kashmir worth it?”, I would say, ‘You never know until you visit.’

May be Kashmir was destined for me in many layers of undefined ways of life – that story I wish to share some other day ….

I took a lot of pictures and videos. I’m sharing only few here. Let me know if you have liked the Paradise Picturesque photographs by Roksana Tales. I wish to make post cards with some of the moments there.


I wish to visit again …
Will you go with me?


I’m an Orophile, meaning I’m a person who loves mountains …

And you?


Be strong at the broken places ….


She is with him
Even when he is not around …
And he makes her smile
Even in his absence ….

Saudade/ portuguese/ /saʊˈdɑːdə/
(n.) a nostalgic longing to be near someone who is distant.


In the wind
A flower brings life,
Plain and pure;
That you once sowed ..
It’s a work that you can see
It’s blooming …

In the wind
A mystery seems invisible;
Believing is the touch,
That you once felt ..
It’s a work that your mind
Can not resist ….

In the wind
A yearning hums a tune,
Simpler and warm ..
That you once met and mingled;
It’s a work that you
Can not get over it …

In the wind
A sound whispers in the ears,
Caressing silently ..
That you once belonged;
It’s a work that you’ve
Ever fallen like rain …

In the wind
A love brings life
That you once gave it all;
It’s a work that you can never forget
And neither it’s ever over ….

Commuovere (Italian) /ko’mːwɔvere/
(v.) this word means you’ve been moved or touched or had your heart warmed, by someone. Specifically, it’s a story that has stirred your heart or moved you to tears …


Sometimes I do feel a bit of strange when I find my mind chooses the words that tread the hazy line between romance, or emotions of two potential lovers or just someone who I may have met somewhere, in my imagination or real, or virtually, or anywhere in the universe, … then I feel that while writing it’s not necessarily solely about me all the time and it’s not what it seems as well and it’s just something that makes me feel happy when I can express certain feelings as it comes within; Often I know, through these words, I simply may portray someone else’s longing, or devotion, or heartbreaking phase, or someone who might be seeking solace from the world of separation, or someone who makes his love stronger even when it’s over … or just about me trying to find the right words to describe an indescribable feeling within ….


Felt a quite chaos while painting it, so I named it CHAOS

Sometimes Somehow

Somehow I feel
I love you …

Somehow I mean
To say, ‘I need you’ …

Somehow I shyly
Whisper, ‘I want you’ …

Somehow I think
I have you as mine …

Somehow I get
That you are near me …

Somehow I know
I’m a mess without you …

Somehow I dream
Walking beside you …

Somehow I hope
A lifetime of promises
With you …

Somehow I hear
You saying all of these
To me …

Sometimes somehow I feel funny writing all these letters of love. Then sometimes somehow I know somewhere someone may resonate all of my these simple, plain and quite undecorated letters of love for themselves … And then all the time I know that the letters of love may differ from person to person, but the in-depth feelings of love remain the same…

How do you feel about the letters of love? 😊

Love Letters …

Love letters, to you. Never received …

No Longer Waiting

I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days.

I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; I fill it with people who understand that even dust is Sacred.

I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; It’s just not their task

I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star.

I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived.

I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now.

I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held.

I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever it is called.

I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; I unclench my grasp and breathe peace in and out.

I am no longer waiting to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough.

I am no longer waiting to be recognised; I know that I dance in a holy circle.

I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe, I believe.

– Mary Anne Perrone

Rest in God’s Graceful Wills

Hi! How are you feeling today?
I hope you are feeling rested in your God’s graceful wills, whatever it is ….

Whatever situation (good or bad) has happened to you for which you have no clue about how it happened in the first place and then believe,

There lies God’s infinite hidden blessings. Trust.

Because God wanted you to walk through it. HE Himself has chosen you.

Remember your heart is taken care of The Almighty Himself.

If some doors are closed, then know that
the door closing is not about your heart at all. It’s not to hurt you. It’s not to destroy you. It’s not to leave you stranded.

It is to protect your soul.

So no matter how bad or depressed or upset you are now,
Always trust the process of your journey … and have complete faith in God’s Wills.

“We don’t know much about the soul. We can look at our bodies, feel with our hearts, comprehend with our minds. We can decipher how each is feeling, we can see their inclinations, weaknesses, movements.

But the soul is something else. We have not been given much knowledge about it. It is deeply connected to a world beyond this one.

And so only our Lord knows how best to protect it from straying.

Accept God’s protection when it comes. Accept that the closed door was Him telling you: your soul needs to go another way.

I get it. You’re exhausted from knocking on every door you come across, and never being let in.

But there is another door. Keep walking. Your soul is seeking it out.

You will be let in. You will be welcomed. You will be held.

And I promise you, you will finally rest.” – Ruquiya’s Bookshelf

I hope you are rested in your God’s graceful wills. Ameen

Dear Minimalist – A Painting

Creating art brings in me a state of calmness that I never experience in anything else

Dear Minimalist is one of my favourite painting to express more while using few colors.

Painting, art, writing, contemplating- all seem same to me – taking a moment to mindfully reflect, dream, focus, turn towards inside, or just to slow down ——

What do all these do to you?

Warm Yellow Love – A Painting

Every shade of yellow is inspirational in its own way….

And it’s more inspirational for me when these warm yellow shades of artwork of mine brighten someone’s time and space with a lot warmer aesthetic of joy, happiness, and energy.

I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love.” – Conor Oberst

Wishing you happy stay forever there ♥️

At one of my favourite couple’s homeSWEEThome ….


OMG Why do I love my artworks so so much. ☺️

And what about you?

Do you like my artworks too?



Dreamy Abode – Painting as Greeting Card

Dear All,
I hope you are fine.
I wish lots of positive energy, love and light in your life.

Let me start with a wonderful statement. “Grit is not just simple elbow-grease term for rugged persistence. It is an often invisible display of endurance that lets you stay in an uncomfortable place, work hard to improve upon a given interest, and do it again and again.” — Sarah Lewis

So tell me what you think about it.

This simple ‘Dreamy Abode’ greeting cards printed on ambush paper, a set of ten pieces are ready to dispatch to the kind buyer of my ‘Love & Light’ project, that means the total amount will be used to buy some child-friendly crayons and pastel colors and drawing copies and those will be donated as charity to well-deserved organisations who work unconditionally for the less fortunate one.

This time the ‘Love & Light’ things are going to Golden Kids Welfare Foundation (GKWF), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It’s an independent and non- profit organization committed to being a center of excellence in the treatment and education of children with autism.

You can be an honourable contributor as well.

Buy 10 pieces of this card for the price of only BDT 2000/- or $16, then you can be a part of this humanitarian project called ‘Love & Light’.

You can visit Golden Kids Welfare Foundation’s website

Note: You can buy as many sets of this print or any other print of my original painting as you care for.

Thank you.
DM for details.

ikigai ikigaisoul


A video for all of you ….

Hope you will like it as well ….

The Murmuring Sound – A Painting

It’s leaving my home for a sweetheart friend’s home ….

Nadia asked me why it’s titled as ‘The Murmuring Sound’ …..

I m consciously aware of the flourishing things at this moment of my life rather than many other distractions of day to day life…. The murmuring sound from a faraway land keeps whispering to me that there are some blessings getting my way now …

O God, when I listen to the voices of animals, the sounds of trees, the murmurings of water, the singing of birds, the whistling of the wind, or the boom of thunder, I see in them evidence of Your unity; I feel that You are supreme power, omniscience, supreme knowledge, and supreme justice. I recognize You, O God, in the trials I am going through. May Your pleasure be my pleasure, too. May I be Your joy, the joy that a Father feels for a son. And may I think of You calmly and with determination, even when I find it hard to say I love You.

Paulo Coelho


Know Your Worth – Paintings for Exhibition

Know your worth

I play every role in my Jian Bird Creates paintings and projects, and that’s what makes it so important for me. I literally put my heart and soul in it.

It’s not just hey I make it.

I work hours and days on a project/ artworks to ensure it’s perfect. I also go for other gallery visits for art experience, to get review from other art-critics…
I make my hands and cloths messy with Colors (love it though)

So It’s not just hey I make it.
It’s also about me painting it, making it, cleaning it, planning it, organizing it, packing it, edit it, reaching out, networking it ….

Handling almost everything myself in my small art and painting journey is not easy.

Overall with my painting you Observe a whole wide beautiful experience …

Support & respect

About ‘Know your Worth, what’s your opinion?




Chaos – A Painting

Darlin’, don’t quit your daydream
It’s your life that you’re making
It ain’t big enough if it doesn’t scare the hell out of you
If it makes you nervous
It’s probably worth it
Why save it for sleep when you could be living your daydream?”

Song by Lily Meola

I did this painting late at night around 2 am in the morning and this song is so true … When certain words move people, they show how much power they have to make changes …

Be afraid, but do it anyway …..

I have given this painting this title, CHAOS. As a child I was forever daydreaming. As I grow older, I find chaos in fulfilling my daydreaming. Some days I win, and some days, I fail. However, I never lose hope and continue to daydreams. I don’t know whether it’s good or bad, but it does make me feel good and helps me mentally settled with all my daydreams and I keep moving as time and space drive me to eternity. I m sure to leave behind a legacy of grit and perseverance.

“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart.”

– Maya Angelou


Have you ever felt chaos in chasing your daydreams? I think that’s what it is always for most people …. What do you think?


I hope you will love the video as well.

Could Never Go Back



Without spectacles I can not see you …
Without spectacles I wish to see you …

Jaduu Ki Jhappi – A Magical Hug


Did you give Jaduu Ki Jhappi to her today?

Jaduu Ki Jhappi means Magical Hug.

This hug is so powerful that it’s given so tightly, yet so tenderly with all the care and affection that one feels for another, that it itself makes a whole lot difference without saying much words and you both deserve this Jaduu Ki Jhappi always.

Never miss to give it when your beloved needs it; Never hesitate to ask for it when you need it from her, your lover, your best friend …

Your Jaduu Ki Jhappi means the world to her, remember that.

Love your beloved like you never take her for granted, scold her if she is not taking care of her, pamper her like a little girl, protect her as you are her only bodyguard, hold her like you will never let her go❤️ –

“Jaduu Ki Jhappi” says all of these and more to the lovers …


So tell me ​
Have you given Jaduu Ki Jhappi to your beloved today?

Solitary Dream – A Painting-


Come and let me embrace you
With the colorful memories,
Rooted in our hearts
That we owe to ourselves ….




Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

– Kahlil Gibran

What do you think?

Happiness Tasted –


A cup of coffee with a friend,
Is like happiness tasted and time well-spent.

And then a toast to us,
May we find many reasons to smile together.


How do you experience ‘Happiness Tasted’?
That may very well be a good thing, but I am curious, you know.


She asked him a stupid question …
He kept himself quiet saying nothing …

In the nothingness of this silence she felt embarrassed …
But never ever embarrassment felt so good to her.

What was the question by the way? ☺️

Unfinished – A Painting


Each flower reflects God’s perfect glory,
Quietly drifting along the wondrous things around;
Though unfinished it seems,
There is magic
In its vibrant colours!


How vibrant are you in reflecting your magic around?




Dear Art – A Letter

Dear Art,

How are you?
I have something to tell you.

I have visited places to see you, feel you, articulate you in my own way. The more I see you, the more I fall in love with you. Some make it complicated and some make you so simple. You are instilled with so many stories of different people. And different people see you with their different perspectives, with their own stories. It fascinates me. It doesn’t matter to you if you are old or young. You know only to encompass yourself to infinity. You do not hide. You are open for all. Some feel you like home. Some treat you like strangers.

Dear Art,
You are not stranger to me. You are like home to me. I do not like to describe you much. You come to me as a beautiful surprise each day. You bring rainbow colours to explore my universe. I rest in you silently nurturing a world full of wonders. I feel pure.

Dear Art,
Do you know you make me shimmery, trembling, softly, from within?



Do you have any letter for art and me?



I struggle to convey in words
What I want to say to you ..

I talk to you every day
You may not hear me
Word by word;
But you already know it all, I know …

You remain so quiet …
Day by day you are becoming quieter
(Oh! How I hate it!)
It seems that you want me to
Remain quiet too …
Cause all these chattering
May make it messier between us
And I can see that too …

Sometimes I think
I will stay quiet …
May be, only then
I’ll be free from
My struggle to say it all
To you.

Have you ever experienced such inexpressible moments to express yourself in your life?

Belle – A Painting

They say
If you want to look for flaws, you’ll find them;
If you want to look for beauty and happiness, you’ll find them too …

What do you want to find?


Enjoy the journey


Feeling totally lost
Lost inside …
May be it’s my reunion
With my inner guide …

Adrift …

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

Not strong;
I wont be lost

Scared ;
I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost.

Find me
Before the mountains crumble.
Find me
Before I m lost.

How often do you feel lost, lost in translation of your feelings and emotions?

This street photography was taken by me, Downtown Brooklyn, April, 2022. Apart from the whole girly face image, I loved the collage of a bird at the bottom left. Do you love taking photographs while just walking the roads? Do you observe things and people around while on the street? Do you contemplate in midst of crowd? Can you find quiet time with yourself even when you are with people around? Just asking! I’m curious to know you 😊


My words are simple black in a white piece of paper and I turn them into colors …

My thoughts are plain and straight and I make it sizzle, giving it a sense of purpose …

My dreams and imagination get lost in translation …

And yours? I wonder!


Wondrous Beauty – A Painting


Loosing myself, and finding myself….. ….. ….



How do you wish to lose yourself and find yourself?



Have you seen her cheeks lately?
How can you see?
You remain so busy!
Now a days the busy hours have increased a lot
Even you forget to give her
The one you have taken from her ….

Have you seen her cheeks recently?
How can you see?
Why would you have time to look?
You have a job to do with your life and then it’s all going well for your life, you think!
Your life is quite fine even without seeing her at all …

Have you seen her cheeks just for a while?
A glance?
See, what she has done to her!
As if there is no one in the world without you, no one …
Her mind is not in the worldly affairs also.
She spends her whole day sitting beside the window,
Waiting for you …
Sometimes she even thinks she’ll go straight to the grave without showing her cheeks to you!

Have you seen her cheeks for a moment?
Do you remember how you loved the colours of spring on her cheeks!!
Remembering this the tears roll down her cheeks now …

Now when you see her again (if you have time)
You’ll wonder
How you have forgotten the form of her cheeks in the moonlight!
Now if you see her once, you’ll be in love touching her cheeks again … soft and angelic ..
You’ll be the breeze to her cheeks ….
She will smile with dimples appear on the ends of her lips.
Bringing back the colours of spring on her rosy cheeks, once again ….


Wonder how you bring the vibrant colours of spring on your loved ones’ cheeks ….

Let’s Sit Here ..

Let’s sit here
With a cup of coffee …
And see the beautiful nature
With the blossoming cherry 😊