Solitary Dream – A Painting-


Come and let me embrace you
With the colorful memories,
Rooted in our hearts
That we owe to ourselves ….




Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

– Kahlil Gibran

What do you think?

16 thoughts on “Solitary Dream – A Painting-”

  1. I agree . I think the most beautiful thing in the world comes from human heart, like kindness , generosity ,help , devotion , love and care for others, etc .
    By paintings , I can feel it from Daumier’s ” The Laundress “

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are absolutely right dear Shinichiro

      You are very kind to stroll on my blog posts, I appreciate that a lot, specially when someone reads and comments and shares some of their ideas or any question or something that matters to them. I feel connected with the touch of their heart, and feel humbled.

      Thank you once again.


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