Grey is Okay and Colors too

Grey is Okay
– C. Joybell C.

When I was a little girl, everything in the world fell into either of these two categories: wrong or right. Black or white.

Now that I am an adult, I have put childish things aside and now I know that some things fall into wrong and some things fall into right. Some things are categorized as black and some things are categorized as white. But most things in the world aren’t either! Most things in the world aren’t black, aren’t white, aren’t wrong, aren’t right, but most of everything is just different.

And now I know that there’s nothing wrong with different, and that we can let things be different, we don’t have to try and make them black or white, we can just let them be grey.

And when I was a child, I thought that God was the God who only saw black and white. Now that I am no longer a child, I can see, that God is the God who can see the black and the white and the grey, too, and He dances on the grey!

Grey is okay.”

C. JoyBell C.


And I love Colors though …. ☺️✨

Grey is Okay and Colors too

Now that I’m an adult,
I no longer think about right or wrong ….
I’m just aging gracefully and with a smile
Rushing through life’s most beautiful turns and moments …
Where it doesn’t really matter
What anyone will say …

Now that I’m an adult
I no longer feel the necessity
To be understood …
If I become a good listener and can walk away from the unnecessary chaos around me …
That’s enough for me …

Now that I’m an adult
I understand me well ….
I dance on the clouds …
I fly high …
I sing in the rain …
I make friendships with strangers,
If they’re black, white, brown or grey, it doesn’t matter…
I trust the path …
I enjoy the journey …
I reach to where there’s only peace, love and only smiles …
I have built a place where sorrows hide and love flying free and high …
Thereon my soul itself becomes a love, true love all the time …
And God is the God who loves me as I’m …
He is ‘Okay’ with my colors whatever that is
And keep a smile for me out there high above;
Till the time comes to meet my Lord
I embrace that colorful space with all my heart, and, fulfill my much needed soul’s quest …
Grey is okay, I understand
And I love colors though …

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