Zen Zone

A man doesn’t need brilliance or genius, all he needs is energy

Albert M. Greenfield

Keep a little place,
Like a little ‘zen zone’ for yourself
Have a cup of coffee there …
Do some mindful drawings …
Read some books …
Write some poetry, musings, or something philosophical …
Or do nothing …
In midst of strangers
It can become a little mindful meditation
With every sip of bliss ….

Keep a little ‘zen zone’
For you
Feel the crave to be there
And come here when you need to be ….
But before you leave
Define how you prioritise yourself
Over every other things ….
And do not make it an easy place
Where you can find an escape
Whenever you feel like …
Rather make it special
As you would make any other thing special
And keep it as sacred as
It’s supposed to be for creating
Little ‘Zen Zone’ for yourself ….

Here’s one of my little ‘Zen Zone’ …
Where’s your little ‘Zen’ Zone’ place?


Zen Zone
“Your introvert zen zone is an area where your senses need to be soothed by their surroundings — the key word being “zen.” For instance, you should be able to practice mindfulness meditation there if you wish.”

Audio – Sia – Snowman (Love this ⛄️)

8 thoughts on “Zen Zone”

  1. beautiful and eloquent: I don’t know how I missed this one ; my zen zones must be everywhere — I never know where my next poem is going to come from —but my work room is where I work on my poems: on my lap top mainly where it’s easy to jiggle around lines, change things —

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s what happens to everyone more or less that they find ‘Zen zones’ everywhere, specially for people who are introvert, quiet and sensitive; and more specifically those who are poet in their heart 😊

      Yes, I work on many places and if it’s about writing some verses, it may happen in any place, I agree …. Ideas are flowing through our minds ….

      Thank you John for penning down your thoughts here. Loved that. ♥️

      Liked by 1 person

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