An Old Soul

It took me quite a while
To understand
That I belong
To the creative world of words ….
Photography holds an undefined attraction,
And painting is a healing journey
For my soul …

A soul that travels
Through the tests and trials
Of my ancestors,
Who endured so much in life.
They emerged from vulnerability,
An innate resilience
Passed down through generations,
Now alive within me …

It might sound quite vulnerable and it’s okay with me. I think I’ve inherited vulnerability from my maternal grandmother. I love her so much and lately

I’ve realized this strange feeling that who I choose to be has nothing to do with how others perceive me. I am under no obligation to let their version of me become the story I tell myself and create it my way ….

Be light and bright 🥰✨🔆☀️

Smile plz

22 thoughts on “An Old Soul”

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Adarsh …. I appreciate it!

      Following the path of the heart often leads to the most fulfilling journeys in life ….

      Have a wonderful, successful, healthy life …

      Liked by 1 person

    1. My sweet Stephie,
      Thank you so much for your touching words …

      That my work honors their legacy means a lot to me, and it’s my pleasure to share some of my humble artworks and verses and brings beauty to you all …

      Hope your weekend be a great one

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I feel these words. Everything our ancestors went through, their trials and triumphs, all led to us here to this point in time. And we can harness all their experiences, all that’s ingrained in us, and use it to fuel our creativity.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Richard for your thoughts here. I appreciate that a lot. And I’m glad these words resonate with you.

      And yes, absolutely, it’s incredible to think about the legacy we carry. Their resilience and wisdom are a part of us forever. I believe this.

      Have a wonderful powerful weekend ✨🔆☀️

      Liked by 1 person

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