A Young Heart and Taj Mahal

A tender heart treads softly
There at Taj Mahal …
And the marble gleams bright
On her …
As she wears a young love –
Endlessly searching through timeless steps …

Marble dreams reflect a young girl’s wonder
Taj Mahal, Agra

Suddenly, I can’t quite understand why I wanted those shoes so much …

I still love the shoes I wore that day, and I remember the feeling of walking around in it. It was our first trip abroad—just the three sisters, our brother, and our parents. We sisters were fond of this type of Lehenga, which was very popular at the time. So, I chose one and matched it with the perfect shoe. We bought these in Kolkata (Calcutta) and traveled from there to Delhi, then Agra, Jaipur, and other places.

On that day, we chose to wear this attire specifically for our visit to the Taj Mahal. It was such a beautiful day—I still remember it vividly. We got ready to see the Taj Mahal in person, wearing our special outfits. My jewelry consisted only of earrings and a watch. In our youth, we didn’t need any makeup, and we three sisters looked stunning in our attire. I still remember how much my father loved our outfits and took great care of us. He made sure we all took pictures in front of the Taj just like this.

Needless to say, I felt incredibly elegant in my own skin—beautiful, serene, warm, and quiet.

I was a very quiet girl back then—so quiet that my close ones used to call me ‘Dead Beauty.’

However, I wish to visit Taj again ..

Do you wish to visit with me?

24 thoughts on “A Young Heart and Taj Mahal”

    1. I’m so glad my poem and memories inspired you!

      Visiting the Taj Mahal is a magical experience, and I’m sure you’ll create your own wonderful memories there …

      Enjoy every moment, Adarsh …

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Geoff for your kind presence and words. I appreciate it-

      Your mother must have had incredible experiences!

      The Taj Mahal and the Grand Canyon are truly awe-inspiring places. It’s amazing how some sites can surpass even the highest expectations ..

      I visited Grand Canyon as well – I ve a daring picture of myself standing almost at the edge of a cliff in one of the dangerous spot. Now, I feel goosebumps when I look back … I’ll share someday!

      Life is a great journey-
      May we all travel well 🔆✨❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The Taj Mahal is definitely worth a visit if you ever make it to UP! There’s so much to explore there ….
      I remember we visited Agra Fort as well …

      How wonderful that Jaipur is close by for you—it’s such a beautiful city too – Pink city Jaipur. I remember Amma bought some exquisite jewellery and clothes from there …

      It was probably the year 1992 –
      I was a young teenager at that period of time …. I was a little confused girl, full of emotional and sensitive energy

      Now I’m a Ninja 🥷🏻
      Ha ha 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sweet Stephie …

      I completely agree—comfortable and stylish shoes make all the difference. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

      Wishing you health, joy and happiness in life ….


      Liked by 1 person

  1. I imagine visiting the Taj Mahal leaves an impression on a person. I’d love to visit it someday, but I’m afraid it’s only a dream at this point. I think it’s wonderful you were able to go there with your family.

    Your verse, although simple, offers just enough to give the impression of grandness. The gleaming marble and timeless steps speak to both beauty and antiquity. Nicely done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Richard for your kind words! I’m glad the verse resonated with you and conveyed the sense of grandeur and beauty … Your appreciation means a lot to me!

      Visiting the Taj Mahal is indeed unforgettable. I hope you get the chance to see it someday—it’s truly a magical experience. I’m grateful I could share that moment with my family ….

      Keep dreaming; sometimes dreams have a way of coming true! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much dear Etikser!

      I’m glad you enjoyed the memory and the photo ….
      It means a lot to me, your presence on my blog and your kind words …

      Wishing you a wonderful life😊🔆✨❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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