Tea or Coffee

You love tea
I love coffee
Each sip, a story
Each cup, a journey …

Your mornings start
With delicate leaves
Unfolding in warmth
A ritual of peace …

Yours and mine!

Mine begin
With bold beans
Ground into essence
A rush of energy …

We blend flavors
Contrasts harmonize
Creating a beautiful combo …

Yours with mine!

In your serenity
I find calm
In my vigor
You find spark …

Two worlds
Two cups
One shared moment
A beautiful combo …

Mine with yours!

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

How did you celebrate International Tea Day?

Tell your tea/ coffee story (if any)

36 thoughts on “Tea or Coffee”

      1. I dont care for coffee. When i was growing up I drank it as my mom would give it to us for breakfast. But, the caffeine gives me the shakes and I have never cared enough for it to drink decaf. — Sure would be nice to be able to get an energy boost though, like some ppl use it for.


  1. I’m a tea drinker and I tend to enjoy it throughout the day. I’ve tried to drink coffee, but it’s just too strong for me. I prefer an Irish Breakfast tea in the mornings. Green in the afternoon. Traditional chai when I want to reward myself.

    My great pleasure is to find loose leafs teas online and try different varieties.

    And before I forget (distracted by teas), that’s a lovely poem. Different tastes can still blend together.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Richard, I really liked your comment … Thank you for sharing …
      That sounds really wonderful!

      Tea has such a rich variety and it’s great that you explore different types throughout the day. Irish Breakfast tea in the morning is a robust choice to start the day, and green tea is perfect for an afternoon pick-me-up …

      Treating yourself with traditional chai sounds delightful. I love traditional chai, especially masala chai and milk tea. I often prefer when someone else makes it for me, as it makes the experience much more enjoyable …

      Do you have any favorite sources for loose leaf teas or any recommendations for someone looking to expand their tea collection?

      Lastly, thank you for appreciating ‘Tea or Coffee! It’s amazing, right? Amazing how different flavors can complement each other so beautifully …

      Before I end my reply to you, I would love to share this powerful poem by Prof Lee Tzu Pheng on human friendship-
      “Sip your Tea
      Nice and Slow
      No one Ever knows when it’s
      Time to Go, There’ll be no
      Time to enjoy the Glow,
      So sip your Tea
      Nice and Slow’

      Have a wonderful weekend pretty soon! 🔆✨😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sadly, I’m surrounded by coffee drinkers so I rarely have anyone I talk to about teas! And I agree, having someone make it for me always seems to enhance the experience. I wonder why that is?

        I’ve recently been purchasing loose leaf from https://sevencups.com. The sampler selections (when available) are a great place to begin. I’m not sure if they ship to where you live, but if so, I recommend them.

        Thank you for sharing that lovely poem! One must sip their tea as they live their life…nice and slow so they can savor every drop.

        Cheers, my friend!

        Liked by 1 person

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