
Poetry has taken over a poem
Time is on my side
Thrilled to watch me try ….

Poetry has taken over a poem
Love is beautiful and wide
Whose music will never die …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Moment is now and happening
A tale being told in the sky …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Stillness fills up empty spaces
Answers my every single why …

‘All poems are poetry, but not all poetry is a poem’ ….



(n.) a person who loves language and words

What words do you use to express your love for them?

17 thoughts on “Linguaphile”

    1. Thank you D.
      It feels good to have your voice written here …

      I just love being inside a well-maintained, calm and quite library with lots of books.
      There were some wooden seating arrangements specifically for the readers. And some sofa too …. And I found some hidden writings and some marks in few of the books. I bought some children’s books from there. As I read stories to children. So those were a great find and wonderful treasures to have.

      From another library, I bought a very special book, that I love to tell everyone about … and that’s
      ‘Our Story
      A Memoir of Love & Life in China
      Rao Pingru

      “Our Story” is the autobiography of Chinese natives Rao Pingru and his wife Mao Meitang as they meet, marry, and grow old together”

      It’s such a beautiful book. The cover is red and the story is written so beautifully with lots of colorful illustrations … The binding of this book different. I’ve read it so carefully as I didn’t want the special binding to torn apart … I almost fell in love with the book and I was so happy to own it.

      Normally I would lend books to others if they wish to read. But you know, I’ve kept some books to myself as if I do not want anyone else to touch it even. It’s so precious….

      Here’s a YouTube link, so you can watch if you wish …

      Read books, feel the happiness and joy and shine ✨


    1. Thank you A.

      Library is one of my favourite place to go and there is something so intoxicating about it. I mean the overall aroma of any library is so beautifully insane- the smell of it’s wooden furniture and the books, pressed flowers inside some old books, the leather covers, or the undisturbed dust here and there and the stillness that comes with every reader in this environment … There I love to hold the book, smell it’s fragrances and read … books mean paper and paper means nature – so it feels like a peaceful home to me! I can spent hours there ….


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