
In puzzled ponder, a name I’ve heard
Though “Roksana” my soul preferred …
Yet as time passed by
A fondness did arise
Love’s influence moves my heart …
Let the name be my tender song
In love’s embrace, I truly belong …

Quiet Contemplation

Your absence has gone through me, like thread through a needle.

Everything I do is stitched with its color.”

Separation by W.S. Merwin


My longing, a relentless tide
Your absence, a void deep inside ….
Am I flawed, or loved?

(n.) things better left unsaid

In Poetry We Say …

In English we say,
I love to write …

In poetry we say,
Ink spills from the pen,
Words dance upon the page’s breath and
Each letters have taken my heartbeat
And thus poetry becomes my infinite playground …

How do you say in poetic verses about your love for writing?

I love to connect through words and I feel so happy when you write to me …. I love to read as well …. Now in poetry, how would you say that?