
Blooms glow …
Hope is in petals bright
Nature promises in breeze …

Part of my morning rituals are spent in my little varandah garden! It refreshes me …. Love the sound of the chirping birds, the warm light, smell of the wind and greens and flowers … Some days I read here with a glass of warm honey water and some days a cup of tea … with a little conversation … These days are Ramadan days, the most blessed days and I’m healing from my broken finger …. I hope it’ll be alright soon … and everything too

Hope …

Let the blooms bring hope …

Ma Belle

Ma Belle!
Live upon the moonlit skies,
The place of hope and butterflies ….
Be well pleased with your passionate eyes;
Be right there….
And stare at the Gods with proud gaze
Be praised and praise …

Ma Belle!
You roundly speaker,
When you see any betrayal,
Don’t you shed tears …..
You get going, keeping head high
Without any fear …

Ma Belle!
Let all the new faces play,
With the tricks they sure will;
Let all those pass away…
You be calm, quiet and still;
If these be right
Of day and night,
You be chilled and chill.

Ma Belle!
Those images that may
Gather all the talk of doom,
But you think not of a single evil chance;
Play out all of your dream so fair,
With the host of the air
You be heard and hear and dance …

Ma Belle!
Until imagination brought
It was only a thought,
But keep your integrity …
Let it be for what it is;
They were dead and of a different kind,
You be weighed lightly and just don’t mind …

Ma Belle!
Pull down the blinds in pride,
You be in your country-side;
Where the sky falls kissing the earth,
On the balance of the wind…..
You take a lovely ride
Like a new smiling bride ….

Ma Belle!
My sweet little Belle!
You be known for the care you give
And discover the forgotten truth;
Your heart is your heart what it should be,
That hasn’t changed in years from youth …