Let’s Sit Here ..

Let’s sit here
With a cup of coffee …
And see the beautiful nature
With the blossoming cherry 😊

Tune in for Love

We all express in a different language
But eyes never lie …

If you love someone
Look deep into their eyes ….
Let their eyes sparkling, and smiling
At the very presence of your being …

Set them free
Their eyes may speak, sparkle and sing ……
At the very presence of another being!

We all express in a different language
But our hearts beat in the same tune
At the sight of our loved ones …


Don’t you think so too? Our hearts join in our hearts Only when the same tune comes from our hearts. Boom boom. My heart is beating so fast💓 And yours?




The above image was a capture by me. I love black and white photography

Yet Undefined

She knows that he doesn’t know
How it’s hurting in her heart
He knows that she doesn’t know
How it’s hurting in his heart

She knows that he doesn’t know
How she is waiting for him
He knows that she doesn’t know
How he is waiting for her

What she knows he doesn’t know
What he knows she doesn’t know

They only know what they think they know about the other …

Does she know about herself enough?
Does he know about himself enough?

She is not what he thinks he knows about her
He is not what she thinks she knows about him

Who is she to him then?
Who is he to her then?

For now …
In time to come,
They’ll find themselves
Somehow …


The photograph is taken by me 😊
Isn’t it a beautiful photograph? I love black and white photography. And you?

Early Morning Rituals

Wake up early morning …
Watch the beautiful sunrise …
You can watch it from your small or big balcony or rooftop (if possible or you prefer)
Or just from your window …

Sit and feel the breeze on your cheeks …
Contemplate … touch the petals softly …
Smile … keep smiling 😃
Oh! I forgot to say …
Can you please sit with a glass of warm water with honey and কালিজিরা (black cumin) in it?
(Or you like a cup of tea early morning?
I don’t know about you)
They say it’s good for health if you can have the warm water with honey and black cumin in the early morning of everyday …
Write something … converse with yourself …
Read aloud for a while …

Stretch your body …
Make your bed nicely …
And say, ‘Thank you bed for a wonderful warmth that I felt from my last night’s sleep on you! You are so very kind!’
You can blow a flying kiss to it 😘

(You want to go for a walk
Early morning?
I don’t know about you.
But if you go for an early morning walk,
It’s all good … Let’s walk together …)

Now start the day.

Heyyy, don’t forget to take a long shower
(If you are not in a hurry though;
See, I don’t know about you)

Finally, be grateful for the day, pray …
For you are alive, breathing!
Every new day is a new beginning …

Byeeee for now 😊


What are your morning rituals?
Let me know please.


The Ache That Would Not Leave’ – A Painting

Can I ask you something?

“Behind the hum and routine of daily living, there lay a persistent and wild longing for something she could not easily put into words. It felt like impulsive adventures and watching the sun rise over unfamiliar mountains ….

The truly heartbreaking part was that she could feel the remaining days of her life falling away, like leaves from an autumn tree, but still this mysterious person who held the key to unlock her secrets did not arrive; they were missing, and she knew not where to find them.”
-John Mark Green


I treasure my painting moments ….
What are your treasured moments?


Though I know

A name is a name

Is a name is a name …

Just like, “Rose is a rose

Is a rose is a rose” … 😊



In whatever name we call

At the end

A rose will always be a rose

And you will always be you …

Therefore what’s in a name!



Yet I’m curious 🧐

“What’s your name?”

“What’s your name?”
