In English We Say

In English we simply say
“I love you” …

In poetry we say
There’s a phrase that’s forever in view …
With a heart full of glee
It’s easy to see
That phrase, my dear, is “I love you!” …


In strokes of paints and words
My soul opens up inviting you to breathe life into my world …
Yet you missed the essence, and
The depth of my art … Only once though … yet
The entire ordeal leaves me to ponder, and
Torn apart …

Do you feel the echo of my heart’s despair?
Or does indifference cloak the air?
It matters not, for distance now weaves
its sway,
As I journey on,
far from yesterday’s bay …

Though you missed my art’s embrace,
Let its sigh lingers, finding their place …
Somewhere within you …
As you hold it close to your being in time to come
Let its essence, eternal, be freeing …
Let my art reside,
As a silent companion …
As a comforting guide ….
As a cherished part of me …

May it dwell Within you,
So I may live on forever through my art
With you …

I love my Jian Bird Creates journey … it’s a journey of creativity and joy and resilience of a lot more than you could ever think of …

Forget Me Not

Avenoir/ latin
(n.) the desire to see memories in advance or desire that memory could flow backward …

Let Silence Reigns

Let silence reigns…
Afterwards let words flow freely, endlessly through us, like a gentle stream ….

Let certain words remain unsaid …
Let some words remain unheard …
Let silence reigns …

For if all is voiced
What remains in the silence?
For if all is listened
What remains in the voice?

Let blank pages be as it is
For me and you, for the time being or for long, long time …

Let silence reigns …

Afterwards let words flow freely, endlessly through us, like a gentle stream, unbound, serene and graceful ….

Steadily, Casually

Steadily, casually
I’ve become accustomed
To reading your words ….

What an enchanting time
It is ….
To be drawn to you
To be close to you …

Steadily, casually
Reading your words
I’ve become accustomed
To finding my heart …


Lost, found, blooms anew …
Mountains stand in silent strength …
Far, but near, a song unfolds …

Oubaitori/ japanese
(n.) the idea that people, like flowers, bloom in their own time and in their individual ways ….

A remarkable day today, A Monday! Je t’aime comme tu es ….



True as a moment in a setting sun
That pursues the thoughts so striking …

As beautiful as nature
That celebrates youth so blossoming …

As true as moon hanging up always on the sky
That rises at nights, in beauty
so high springing …

As a fine morning dew on a petal
That falls lightly like a beautiful tear never ending …

As a pillar with a promise
That makes countless impossibility, gathering ..