In Silence …

If you’re silent,
I know in silence you say more …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t want to know about you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t feel what happens to you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t remember you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t care about you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t miss you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t love you …

I miss you
I know you
I care for you
I remember you
I feel for you
I love you

Always …

It Doesn’t Matter

I know it’s strange
But I do adore you as you are …
And it doesn’t matter
If we live far away from
Each other …

I know it’s strange
That I don’t know about you,
And I didn’t see this coming
But it doesn’t matter
If I constantly long for you
hopelessly …

I know it’s strange
But I love you way too much
And it doesn’t matter
If you can’t prevent me
From loving you forever …





The dawn was breaking
You looked at me
I looked at you
The place was a haunting one
The light was shining
You and I collide
Yet we never kissed …
You never touched my face …
What could I say?
What could I do?
There I stood, unknowing
What’s happening
In a world full of billions
There were you
Mixed with all of the chaos
Inside and Out
At that very moment
I somehow felt
You and I collide
For a reason …
The dawn was breaking
You looked at me
I looked at you

Chained: Can You Escape Fate? – A Poem

If only you would realize some day, how much have you hurt me,
If only your heart ever, craves for me or my presence…
If only you feel that love again someday for me,
If only you are affected someday by my absence…
Only you can end all my suffering and this unbearable pain,
If only you would know what you could never procure…
If only you go through the memories of past once again,
Since the day you left my heart has bled, no one has its cure…
If only you would bring that love, those showers and that rain…
If only you would come back and see what damage you create,
I’ve been waiting for your return since forever more…
If only you would see the woman that you have made,
You said we cannot sail through, how were you so sure?
If only you can feel the old things that can never fade,
You may have moved on, but a piece of my heart is still with you…
I know how I’ve come so far alone; I know how I’m able to wade,
People say that I’m insane and you won’t ever come back again…
Maybe you would have never made your separate way,
Maybe you would have stayed with me and proved everyone wrong…
If only you would know the pain of dying every day,
If only you would feel the burden of smiling and being strong…

– Mehek Bassi, Chained: Can you escape fate?

Sayuri – An Embroidery 🪡

Hair tied in circle …
Blue night …
Mountains are making the path …
Blossoms are coming.

Two Young Mind

In the long echoing life
Two young mind
Found an element so fine
Like red wine
And sharpened their last breath
Through the long echoing death ….

The pair loved many years
Endured life what God gave them
Asked for them no second best
And celebrated life with no other but the rest
In the long long echoing life
Through the long echoing death …

Both loved the strange thoughts
Not so sober for the sober though;
Yet knew how to laugh, weep and go
And all the living mock
Drank the sweet extremity of their passion rough
In the long echoing life
Through the long long echoing death …

The woman talked to make up solitudes
Sounded almost like a pretty autumn time
Blossoming and falling into a bursting rhyme
The man knew this beautiful woman-soul
And was pleased to see her gorgeous look
And dared enough to make her whole
In their long echoing life
Through their long echoing death …

Traveled many moons
The two mesmerising soul
Through the days of their young and old
Almost shared all the neighbouring mind
Emptied the cage and let the cage bird fly being so kind
‘Fifty years’, the woman counted
‘Fifty sweet years’, the man whispered
Their love broods
Still in the long echoing life
Still through the long echoing death.



Happiness Tasted –


A cup of coffee with a friend,
Is like happiness tasted and time well-spent.

And then a toast to us,
May we find many reasons to smile together.


How do you experience ‘Happiness Tasted’?
That may very well be a good thing, but I am curious, you know.


She asked him a stupid question …
He kept himself quiet saying nothing …

In the nothingness of this silence she felt embarrassed …
But never ever embarrassment felt so good to her.

What was the question by the way? ☺️

Adrift …

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

Not strong;
I wont be lost

Scared ;
I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost.

Find me
Before the mountains crumble.
Find me
Before I m lost.

How often do you feel lost, lost in translation of your feelings and emotions?

This street photography was taken by me, Downtown Brooklyn, April, 2022. Apart from the whole girly face image, I loved the collage of a bird at the bottom left. Do you love taking photographs while just walking the roads? Do you observe things and people around while on the street? Do you contemplate in midst of crowd? Can you find quiet time with yourself even when you are with people around? Just asking! I’m curious to know you 😊

Yet Undefined

She knows that he doesn’t know
How it’s hurting in her heart
He knows that she doesn’t know
How it’s hurting in his heart

She knows that he doesn’t know
How she is waiting for him
He knows that she doesn’t know
How he is waiting for her

What she knows he doesn’t know
What he knows she doesn’t know

They only know what they think they know about the other …

Does she know about herself enough?
Does he know about himself enough?

She is not what he thinks he knows about her
He is not what she thinks she knows about him

Who is she to him then?
Who is he to her then?

For now …
In time to come,
They’ll find themselves
Somehow …


The photograph is taken by me 😊
Isn’t it a beautiful photograph? I love black and white photography. And you?

The Ache That Would Not Leave’ – A Painting

Can I ask you something?

“Behind the hum and routine of daily living, there lay a persistent and wild longing for something she could not easily put into words. It felt like impulsive adventures and watching the sun rise over unfamiliar mountains ….

The truly heartbreaking part was that she could feel the remaining days of her life falling away, like leaves from an autumn tree, but still this mysterious person who held the key to unlock her secrets did not arrive; they were missing, and she knew not where to find them.”
-John Mark Green


I treasure my painting moments ….
What are your treasured moments?

Conversation over Coffee

She says, He says
He says, She says

⁃ You ll get hurt.

⁃ Then try not to hurt me. And why are you determined to hurt me? Do you need time? To think?

⁃ No

⁃ Okay. I asked you to go on a trip with me but why haven’t you replied? What’s with that look? This is boring. Forget it.

⁃ Have you ever lied in your life?

⁃ I don’t lie. But to be truth to you I have lied when I was little.

Oh, wait! I guess I’m lying right now?

⁃ Now?

⁃ The fact that you still haven’t given me an answer about going on a trip together is really getting on my nerves right now. And I’m honestly a little hurt. But I’m acting like I’m fine, so I guess that counts as a lie. Heyyyy, why are you laughing? If you don’t like me that much, let’s just end it here.

⁃ You can’t just thoughtlessly trust someone when they haven’t done anything to gain your trust. We are not kids.

⁃ You have a point. Right!

⁃ Let’s go on a trip.

⁃ What? But I didn’t do anything to gain your trust.

⁃ You did.

⁃ When?

⁃ Just now. You told me you don’t lie. That’s good enough.

⁃ You’re very peculiar.

⁃ Let’s go on a trip to Stupa Island.

⁃ Stupa Island sounds great.

⁃ Okay.

She says, He says
He says, She says

Their conversation while having coffee.