Let’s Sit Here ..

Let’s sit here
With a cup of coffee …
And see the beautiful nature
With the blossoming cherry 😊

Tune in for Love

We all express in a different language
But eyes never lie …

If you love someone
Look deep into their eyes ….
Let their eyes sparkling, and smiling
At the very presence of your being …

Set them free
Their eyes may speak, sparkle and sing ……
At the very presence of another being!

We all express in a different language
But our hearts beat in the same tune
At the sight of our loved ones …


Don’t you think so too? Our hearts join in our hearts Only when the same tune comes from our hearts. Boom boom. My heart is beating so fast💓 And yours?




The above image was a capture by me. I love black and white photography

Yet Undefined

She knows that he doesn’t know
How it’s hurting in her heart
He knows that she doesn’t know
How it’s hurting in his heart

She knows that he doesn’t know
How she is waiting for him
He knows that she doesn’t know
How he is waiting for her

What she knows he doesn’t know
What he knows she doesn’t know

They only know what they think they know about the other …

Does she know about herself enough?
Does he know about himself enough?

She is not what he thinks he knows about her
He is not what she thinks she knows about him

Who is she to him then?
Who is he to her then?

For now …
In time to come,
They’ll find themselves
Somehow …


The photograph is taken by me 😊
Isn’t it a beautiful photograph? I love black and white photography. And you?

Early Morning Rituals

Wake up early morning …
Watch the beautiful sunrise …
You can watch it from your small or big balcony or rooftop (if possible or you prefer)
Or just from your window …

Sit and feel the breeze on your cheeks …
Contemplate … touch the petals softly …
Smile … keep smiling 😃
Oh! I forgot to say …
Can you please sit with a glass of warm water with honey and কালিজিরা (black cumin) in it?
(Or you like a cup of tea early morning?
I don’t know about you)
They say it’s good for health if you can have the warm water with honey and black cumin in the early morning of everyday …
Write something … converse with yourself …
Read aloud for a while …

Stretch your body …
Make your bed nicely …
And say, ‘Thank you bed for a wonderful warmth that I felt from my last night’s sleep on you! You are so very kind!’
You can blow a flying kiss to it 😘

(You want to go for a walk
Early morning?
I don’t know about you.
But if you go for an early morning walk,
It’s all good … Let’s walk together …)

Now start the day.

Heyyy, don’t forget to take a long shower
(If you are not in a hurry though;
See, I don’t know about you)

Finally, be grateful for the day, pray …
For you are alive, breathing!
Every new day is a new beginning …

Byeeee for now 😊


What are your morning rituals?
Let me know please.


The Ache That Would Not Leave’ – A Painting

Can I ask you something?

“Behind the hum and routine of daily living, there lay a persistent and wild longing for something she could not easily put into words. It felt like impulsive adventures and watching the sun rise over unfamiliar mountains ….

The truly heartbreaking part was that she could feel the remaining days of her life falling away, like leaves from an autumn tree, but still this mysterious person who held the key to unlock her secrets did not arrive; they were missing, and she knew not where to find them.”
-John Mark Green


I treasure my painting moments ….
What are your treasured moments?


Though I know

A name is a name

Is a name is a name …

Just like, “Rose is a rose

Is a rose is a rose” … 😊



In whatever name we call

At the end

A rose will always be a rose

And you will always be you …

Therefore what’s in a name!



Yet I’m curious 🧐

“What’s your name?”

“What’s your name?”



I know exactly

How it would be to meet you …


It might happen

That I might be busy observing you

Once if we meet ever …

It might happen

That I might forget to drink water

In front of you …


Which colour do you like?

How do you smile?

Are you talkative?

Or quiet like me!

Or you talk gibberish like me

I m sure I might talk gibberish in front of you though …

Out of my belly butterflies 🦋


I ll be busy

Observing you

How do you look?

How do you talk?

What do you prefer wearing?

Are you nervous?

Do you need your space to feel relaxed a little bit

Then you would get up and go to the outside for a while … (to take deep breaths?!)

Have you also forgotten to drink water

In front of me?

Just like me?


Exactly how you will start the conversation

With me?

Would it be casual or formal?

I think you ll be formal

Gradually you ll be casual that I know

It might happen after a while

That we both are laughing on a joke

The joke might be just about our time …

That our time is so silly billy


I know

How it would be to meet you …

However it might happen that

I will never see you in life …


But look, I swear

In the solemn silence of everyday dawn

I meet you from afar!

Everyday I meet you as the soft yellow sun rises in the far away skyline

And the birds sing to me the prose of our meeting

And the soft breeze portrays to me

Exactly how our first meeting would be …


Now tell me

Can I not know you from afar?

What do you say?


Conversation Over Coffee ☕️

It was raining here …

She called him with a cup of coffee in her hand.

It was raining there too …

He received the call with a cup of coffee in his hand.

She said, ‘What are you doing?’

He said, ‘I’m drinking coffee and watching the rainstorm. And you?’

She said, ‘I’m drinking coffee too by the window, watching the raindrops falling on the trees in my garden. Enjoying it.’

He said, ‘How’s your treatment going on?

She said, ‘fine.’

He said, ‘Well, that’s good to know. Why did you call now?’

She took a moment. Then …

She said, ‘I missed you.’

He took a moment. Then …

He said, ‘Do you miss me just as a friend or as a guy?’

She said, ‘As a guy!’

He took a pause. Smiled a little bit.

She took a sip from her coffee cup as if to relax a bit with the words spoken finally to him.

The pouring rain was making a beautiful breeze.

They both felt it on their way.

From here to there.

From there to here.

He said, ‘I’m done with the house. I even sleep here sometimes. It’s pretty. I did a pretty nice job.’

She said, ‘I plan to visit soon.’

He said, ‘What?’

She said, ‘May be in about ten days. Next weekend!’

He said, ‘Why are you coming? Are you coming to jump into the sea here? Don’t you even think so. You’ll freeze to death, you know. The water gets cold in winter. You know that, na?’

She said, ‘Why are you saying this and that? Why will I jump into the sea? I’ll be coming to visit you. Not for any other reason.’

He said hurriedly, ‘Okay. Let’s hang up. I’m busy.’

Then he smiled a sweet smile after such a long time.

Then he started singing, ‘If you ever need me, just give me a call. I’ll run over to you whenever. Whether it’s raining or hail-storming, I don’t care.’

Then she smiled a sweet smile as if she was hearing his song. 🎵

It was raining here.

It was raining there.

Their conversation was going on and on …

In the rain.


Cherished – A Painting


I am with you without speaking much
In an intimacy that’s only mine
As free to wander in the silence of the long highway road
As the way the trees shimmer orange, red and yellow in the sunlight …

I am with you without meeting you
In a sacred heart that’s only mine
As a veiled woman would enter a paradise
As God takes care of my every weakness within me …


I know the cure

I know how this heart can rest

Yet I am helpless to settle the restlessness

That I feel

For him ….

I know it’s unbearable to just let it be

I know it would be a relief to express it all

Yet I m helpless to express the remains of all the words left unsaid

To him ….



There are fresh fruits, flowers and foods

The whole day, taken nothing

But only rain, so refreshing …

Dear Taj, I Met You


Dear Taj

You are a sign of my eternal love

I still remember the very first moment I met Taj

A beauty stood in front of me

First time we met, I could see

That Taj and I were meant to be ….


Dear Taj

You are my evergreen flower

Grows of fine and purest white

And delicate with fresh new leaves

Growing by its side

Shining through quietly

The sun was out there with warmth and dazzling light

Bewildered by its unspoken beauty

There I shivered and I didn’t talk to anybody ..

I wandered in its classic passageways

I was silent for long and

I forgot the moving earth around …

I was lost

In the gardens, the palace, the embroidered doors, walls and marbles ….

In all its beauty and ecstasy

I was sure of one thing that

I was looking for something

That I searched in silence …


Dear Taj

I met you …..

I felt if time could stand still

I’d freeze it here

Close and near

With all its mystery

Filled with love so pure

Given to you.


I wore a serene smile

I was barefoot for a while

My tiny little fingers shivered

When Taj touched me and I was so drawn to it

And at that very moment

I painted my sacred pilgrimage

Enveloped with love and peace …

Dear Taj,

For eternity

You are a mysterious beauty

Within me ….

A wondrous splendour

Like a beautiful song

I’ve found

What I have been searching for

A beautiful emotion in my heart …

My Taj, I met you

Dreaming I’ll meet you again

I remember saying to you

‘See you soon my darling

See you soon.’

After that I have been travelling through many moon

And there,

My dear Taj

Waits a lyrical waiting to greet me….

So here I m waiting to meet Taj as we are meant to be together.

So with heavenly light

Flowers bloom, birds sing

The blossoms reaching for the sun

Breathing the scented hues

Spreading the warmth of a promise

With fragrance in the air

With harps, with joy

With hope, with spirit

Within the beautiful blooming

Taj Mahal, I long to see you again ….


Dear Taj

Again I’ll see you

For a perfect peaceful solitude made for two

Again I’ll touch you

Your whisper would touch my cheek

Again I’ll blush

You’ll say …

‘Come now and rejuvenate with joy!’

Held by the arms I would step forward

Together with the one who is

My mystery, my dear Taj …

Dear Taj & Dear Me

In Thy Heart

Whispering …..

In thy heart, whispering

Always, joy blooming, sublime ….

In thy heart, singing

The song of loving, time between time ….

In thy heart, sprinkling

A word of hope, an image or just me ….

Conversation over Coffee

She says, He says
He says, She says

⁃ You ll get hurt.

⁃ Then try not to hurt me. And why are you determined to hurt me? Do you need time? To think?

⁃ No

⁃ Okay. I asked you to go on a trip with me but why haven’t you replied? What’s with that look? This is boring. Forget it.

⁃ Have you ever lied in your life?

⁃ I don’t lie. But to be truth to you I have lied when I was little.

Oh, wait! I guess I’m lying right now?

⁃ Now?

⁃ The fact that you still haven’t given me an answer about going on a trip together is really getting on my nerves right now. And I’m honestly a little hurt. But I’m acting like I’m fine, so I guess that counts as a lie. Heyyyy, why are you laughing? If you don’t like me that much, let’s just end it here.

⁃ You can’t just thoughtlessly trust someone when they haven’t done anything to gain your trust. We are not kids.

⁃ You have a point. Right!

⁃ Let’s go on a trip.

⁃ What? But I didn’t do anything to gain your trust.

⁃ You did.

⁃ When?

⁃ Just now. You told me you don’t lie. That’s good enough.

⁃ You’re very peculiar.

⁃ Let’s go on a trip to Stupa Island.

⁃ Stupa Island sounds great.

⁃ Okay.

She says, He says
He says, She says

Their conversation while having coffee.


Date someone you like ….
A little coffee. A little sunlight. A painting.



If only you were with me!

If you were with me

I wouldn’t have to search for you.

If you were with me

I wouldn’t have to wait for you.

If I wouldn’t be there

Will you search for me like this!

If I wouldn’t be there

Will you wait for me too?

Not sure and

I can not say

We are much alike or not ….

But at least you could’ve given me a yellow flower

Just because I love yellow,

Or perhaps a yellow covered notebook

Where I may write gibberish which you wouldn’t approve ….

But you could’ve given me at least ….

If you were with me!

Probably we will not meet in this life.

So there is no chance. Alas!

There is nothing I can do to ease a heartache like this

If only you were with me

I wouldn’t have to feel such heartaches!


Diamond is Forever

You shine, then I shine through you

That you are
a diamond
is true; cause
you sparkle

I sparkle;
just as a dew on
a petal; you shine
then i shine

You twinkle
thereon I twinkle
like a beautiful star
cause a diamond
is forever.
its true.

Cause you are
my diamond
and I love u and
its forever

Dear Taj Mahal

Dear Taj & Dear Me


I wore a serene smile.
I was barefoot for a while,
The woman within my tender age shivered
When Taj touched me, and I was so drawn to it.

Dear Taj, ‘Why do you make me smile such sweet smile?‘

In all its beauty and ecstasy,
I was so sure of one thing,
That I was destined for something,
Which I kept searching in silence here.

Dear Taj, ‘Have you not fallen in love with me yet?’ ❤️