Grey isn’t What I’m Meant to be …

Life is somewhat grey
Just monotony
Lost and lonely …

Don’t you know?

Only when you stay
Life is colorful ….
A hopeful glow
Echoes of brighter joy
Birds sing cheerful songs
Rays of sunshines warm my cheeks
My yellow dyed dreams return …

Now it’s grey
Everywhere …

When will you come?
Without you, I feel grey ….

Don’t you know?
Grey isn’t what I’m meant to be …

And Promise Me …

The Good Traveler

And promise me
You’ll always remember:

Braver than you believe, and
Stronger than you seem, and
Smarter than you think.”

A. A Milne, Winnie the Pooh



On the road

Sonamarg, Kashmir

A Home

I haven’t met you
I haven’t seen you
But often I feel a home in you …




Where the glacier meets the sky, the land ceases to be earthly, and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore, and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reigns there, beyond all demands”-

Halldór Laxness

A Postcard from Kashmir

Meeting among The Mountains

Kashmir, Heaven on Earth

I dreamt of walking
On mountains
I dreamt of meeting
You ….

Here I’m walking
On the lands of magical mountains …
High above the crowds and the clouds,
Under the ancient pine trees
I’m in its close embrace ..
Surrendering to the magnificence …
Believe, I could see nothing
In the thread of mist
Caressing the wind
Everywhere I see
You …

Only you …

Heart full of gratitude for this gift of being alive to see the magnificent heavenly beauty by The Divine.

Kashmir, Heaven on Earth

Detached Attachment


I was waiting
For you
And you didn’t show up
while my odes started to burn …
A heartache …

After a while,
There a humble person came along ..
Seemed so at the moment …
I asked him to take a picture of me and
There I sat at the corner of a bench
In the garden …
Took some time to
Get my mood toned
Up my unsettled face …
There the man waited patiently …
A gentleman ….

Once it’s all set yet unsteady
As I was,
I heard the man said, ‘Ready?’
Twinkled at him and said, ‘Yes’
Smiling …
With the chilly breeze that was
Passing through
I preferred my warm
Jacket kept aside
And my heavy heart smile
For the warmth I needed ….
A harmony ….

Later on I welcomed a friendly
Conversation with the stranger
He seemed to like all of it …
My chitter-chattering
And laughter flowed freely, naturally …
Then we started walking
In the garden, blooming all around
An attachment ….

The balance was the two umbrellas
For each of us,
His violet, mine yellow one
We were walking and talking
Keeping the in-between distance mindfully yet our heart-felt notions were quietly replaying …
The undefined mysteries of the world, meanwhile …
Letting love in our heart, unknowingly …
After a while, we faded into our different paths
Just two strangers with memories
A detachment ….




Tell me, what is that one odd yet beautiful encounter you experienced in your lifetime?

I wish …

I wish
I were a bird!
So that I could
Fly to you
Just right now …

I Sense You ….

watching sunset ✿ܓsimple and shiny

In the stillness of the lake
As I keep still,
I sense you
I sense a feeling of warmth
Flowing inside me …
I sense a reflection of you
Residing inside me …
So beautiful and mesmerising …
I sense the strength to move along
In various ups and downs of life
With you and you only …







dilkash rahe zindagi hai bas yahi dua sun lo naa

Midst the Silence …

Wherever you’ll be, I shall be able to see you

Midst the silence of the valley
As I walk through
I feel
My hurt inside is too loud …

Midst the silence of the valley
As I walk through
I feel
I’ll never ever forget you …

Midst the silence of the valley
As I walk through
I feel
I just don’t want to let you go
But inside I know I must …











Is a reflection of you
A mirror of a beautiful reflection of me?


A reflection of you
Is nothing but a beautiful reflection of me.


Soft yellow breeze …
Sweetness surrounds …
Such tenderness …
Yet a melancholy mood …





In Silence …

If you’re silent,
I know in silence you say more …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t want to know about you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t feel what happens to you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t remember you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t care about you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t miss you …

If I’m silent, then it’s not that
I don’t love you …

I miss you
I know you
I care for you
I remember you
I feel for you
I love you

Always …


The dawn was breaking
You looked at me
I looked at you
The place was a haunting one
The light was shining
You and I collide
Yet we never kissed …
You never touched my face …
What could I say?
What could I do?
There I stood, unknowing
What’s happening
In a world full of billions
There were you
Mixed with all of the chaos
Inside and Out
At that very moment
I somehow felt
You and I collide
For a reason …
The dawn was breaking
You looked at me
I looked at you

Chained: Can You Escape Fate? – A Poem

If only you would realize some day, how much have you hurt me,
If only your heart ever, craves for me or my presence…
If only you feel that love again someday for me,
If only you are affected someday by my absence…
Only you can end all my suffering and this unbearable pain,
If only you would know what you could never procure…
If only you go through the memories of past once again,
Since the day you left my heart has bled, no one has its cure…
If only you would bring that love, those showers and that rain…
If only you would come back and see what damage you create,
I’ve been waiting for your return since forever more…
If only you would see the woman that you have made,
You said we cannot sail through, how were you so sure?
If only you can feel the old things that can never fade,
You may have moved on, but a piece of my heart is still with you…
I know how I’ve come so far alone; I know how I’m able to wade,
People say that I’m insane and you won’t ever come back again…
Maybe you would have never made your separate way,
Maybe you would have stayed with me and proved everyone wrong…
If only you would know the pain of dying every day,
If only you would feel the burden of smiling and being strong…

– Mehek Bassi, Chained: Can you escape fate?

Sayuri – An Embroidery 🪡

Hair tied in circle …
Blue night …
Mountains are making the path …
Blossoms are coming.

Love is a Verb

Let’s sit
And talk

Talk about the dots those bring us here.

Let’s sit
And stare

Stare at each other to feel our deepest core.

Let’s sit
And see

See the skies with your blue and my yellow emotions.

Let’s sit
And listen

Listen to the heartbeats that pound at the very sight of each other.

Let’s sit
And look

Look for the memories of our smiles.

Let’s sit
And fly

Fly high to soar in the sky together.

Let’s sit
And plan

Plan our trips holding each other’s hands.

Let’s sit
And touch

Touch the little joy of our souls.

Let’s sit
And feel

Feel the inner beauty of our hearts.

Let’s sit
And pray

Pray that we never part from the other.

Let’s sit
And hold

Hold on to each other forevermore.

Let’s sit
And give

Give magical hugs, kisses and warm caresses saying, ‘I love you.’





Tell me, ‘Do you love me?’

Two Young Mind

In the long echoing life
Two young mind
Found an element so fine
Like red wine
And sharpened their last breath
Through the long echoing death ….

The pair loved many years
Endured life what God gave them
Asked for them no second best
And celebrated life with no other but the rest
In the long long echoing life
Through the long echoing death …

Both loved the strange thoughts
Not so sober for the sober though;
Yet knew how to laugh, weep and go
And all the living mock
Drank the sweet extremity of their passion rough
In the long echoing life
Through the long long echoing death …

The woman talked to make up solitudes
Sounded almost like a pretty autumn time
Blossoming and falling into a bursting rhyme
The man knew this beautiful woman-soul
And was pleased to see her gorgeous look
And dared enough to make her whole
In their long echoing life
Through their long echoing death …

Traveled many moons
The two mesmerising soul
Through the days of their young and old
Almost shared all the neighbouring mind
Emptied the cage and let the cage bird fly being so kind
‘Fifty years’, the woman counted
‘Fifty sweet years’, the man whispered
Their love broods
Still in the long echoing life
Still through the long echoing death.



Fall, Fluttering, & Fallen_

I shall smile while
Fluttering around an autumn tree ..

Sometimes I seek so far
Watching the river flow and a
Rendezvous in you …

For a moment
The beautiful changes
Touch me to free my soul …

I sit down
Deep into the woods
Under the autumn trees …

I don’t know how to tell it more
But as you blossom
I shall smile
Till then an ache in secret
Remembering beautiful memories
In cherry blossoming …
My darling!

Chaos – A Painting

Darlin’, don’t quit your daydream
It’s your life that you’re making
It ain’t big enough if it doesn’t scare the hell out of you
If it makes you nervous
It’s probably worth it
Why save it for sleep when you could be living your daydream?”

Song by Lily Meola

I did this painting late at night around 2 am in the morning and this song is so true … When certain words move people, they show how much power they have to make changes …

Be afraid, but do it anyway …..

I have given this painting this title, CHAOS. As a child I was forever daydreaming. As I grow older, I find chaos in fulfilling my daydreaming. Some days I win, and some days, I fail. However, I never lose hope and continue to daydreams. I don’t know whether it’s good or bad, but it does make me feel good and helps me mentally settled with all my daydreams and I keep moving as time and space drive me to eternity. I m sure to leave behind a legacy of grit and perseverance.

“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart.”

– Maya Angelou


Have you ever felt chaos in chasing your daydreams? I think that’s what it is always for most people …. What do you think?


I hope you will love the video as well.



Without spectacles I can not see you …
Without spectacles I wish to see you …

Jaduu Ki Jhappi – A Magical Hug


Did you give Jaduu Ki Jhappi to her today?

Jaduu Ki Jhappi means Magical Hug.

This hug is so powerful that it’s given so tightly, yet so tenderly with all the care and affection that one feels for another, that it itself makes a whole lot difference without saying much words and you both deserve this Jaduu Ki Jhappi always.

Never miss to give it when your beloved needs it; Never hesitate to ask for it when you need it from her, your lover, your best friend …

Your Jaduu Ki Jhappi means the world to her, remember that.

Love your beloved like you never take her for granted, scold her if she is not taking care of her, pamper her like a little girl, protect her as you are her only bodyguard, hold her like you will never let her go❤️ –

“Jaduu Ki Jhappi” says all of these and more to the lovers …


So tell me ​
Have you given Jaduu Ki Jhappi to your beloved today?

Solitary Dream – A Painting-


Come and let me embrace you
With the colorful memories,
Rooted in our hearts
That we owe to ourselves ….




Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

– Kahlil Gibran

What do you think?

Happiness Tasted –


A cup of coffee with a friend,
Is like happiness tasted and time well-spent.

And then a toast to us,
May we find many reasons to smile together.


How do you experience ‘Happiness Tasted’?
That may very well be a good thing, but I am curious, you know.


She asked him a stupid question …
He kept himself quiet saying nothing …

In the nothingness of this silence she felt embarrassed …
But never ever embarrassment felt so good to her.

What was the question by the way? ☺️

Unfinished – A Painting


Each flower reflects God’s perfect glory,
Quietly drifting along the wondrous things around;
Though unfinished it seems,
There is magic
In its vibrant colours!


How vibrant are you in reflecting your magic around?




Dear Art – A Letter

Dear Art,

How are you?
I have something to tell you.

I have visited places to see you, feel you, articulate you in my own way. The more I see you, the more I fall in love with you. Some make it complicated and some make you so simple. You are instilled with so many stories of different people. And different people see you with their different perspectives, with their own stories. It fascinates me. It doesn’t matter to you if you are old or young. You know only to encompass yourself to infinity. You do not hide. You are open for all. Some feel you like home. Some treat you like strangers.

Dear Art,
You are not stranger to me. You are like home to me. I do not like to describe you much. You come to me as a beautiful surprise each day. You bring rainbow colours to explore my universe. I rest in you silently nurturing a world full of wonders. I feel pure.

Dear Art,
Do you know you make me shimmery, trembling, softly, from within?



Do you have any letter for art and me?



I struggle to convey in words
What I want to say to you ..

I talk to you every day
You may not hear me
Word by word;
But you already know it all, I know …

You remain so quiet …
Day by day you are becoming quieter
(Oh! How I hate it!)
It seems that you want me to
Remain quiet too …
Cause all these chattering
May make it messier between us
And I can see that too …

Sometimes I think
I will stay quiet …
May be, only then
I’ll be free from
My struggle to say it all
To you.

Have you ever experienced such inexpressible moments to express yourself in your life?

Belle – A Painting

They say
If you want to look for flaws, you’ll find them;
If you want to look for beauty and happiness, you’ll find them too …

What do you want to find?


Enjoy the journey


Feeling totally lost
Lost inside …
May be it’s my reunion
With my inner guide …

Adrift …

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

Not strong;
I wont be lost

Scared ;
I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost

I wont be lost.

Find me
Before the mountains crumble.
Find me
Before I m lost.

How often do you feel lost, lost in translation of your feelings and emotions?

This street photography was taken by me, Downtown Brooklyn, April, 2022. Apart from the whole girly face image, I loved the collage of a bird at the bottom left. Do you love taking photographs while just walking the roads? Do you observe things and people around while on the street? Do you contemplate in midst of crowd? Can you find quiet time with yourself even when you are with people around? Just asking! I’m curious to know you 😊



Have you seen her cheeks lately?
How can you see?
You remain so busy!
Now a days the busy hours have increased a lot
Even you forget to give her
The one you have taken from her ….

Have you seen her cheeks recently?
How can you see?
Why would you have time to look?
You have a job to do with your life and then it’s all going well for your life, you think!
Your life is quite fine even without seeing her at all …

Have you seen her cheeks just for a while?
A glance?
See, what she has done to her!
As if there is no one in the world without you, no one …
Her mind is not in the worldly affairs also.
She spends her whole day sitting beside the window,
Waiting for you …
Sometimes she even thinks she’ll go straight to the grave without showing her cheeks to you!

Have you seen her cheeks for a moment?
Do you remember how you loved the colours of spring on her cheeks!!
Remembering this the tears roll down her cheeks now …

Now when you see her again (if you have time)
You’ll wonder
How you have forgotten the form of her cheeks in the moonlight!
Now if you see her once, you’ll be in love touching her cheeks again … soft and angelic ..
You’ll be the breeze to her cheeks ….
She will smile with dimples appear on the ends of her lips.
Bringing back the colours of spring on her rosy cheeks, once again ….


Wonder how you bring the vibrant colours of spring on your loved ones’ cheeks ….