Grey is Okay and Colors too

Grey is Okay
– C. Joybell C.

When I was a little girl, everything in the world fell into either of these two categories: wrong or right. Black or white.

Now that I am an adult, I have put childish things aside and now I know that some things fall into wrong and some things fall into right. Some things are categorized as black and some things are categorized as white. But most things in the world aren’t either! Most things in the world aren’t black, aren’t white, aren’t wrong, aren’t right, but most of everything is just different.

And now I know that there’s nothing wrong with different, and that we can let things be different, we don’t have to try and make them black or white, we can just let them be grey.

And when I was a child, I thought that God was the God who only saw black and white. Now that I am no longer a child, I can see, that God is the God who can see the black and the white and the grey, too, and He dances on the grey!

Grey is okay.”

C. JoyBell C.


And I love Colors though …. ☺️✨

Grey is Okay and Colors too

Now that I’m an adult,
I no longer think about right or wrong ….
I’m just aging gracefully and with a smile
Rushing through life’s most beautiful turns and moments …
Where it doesn’t really matter
What anyone will say …

Now that I’m an adult
I no longer feel the necessity
To be understood …
If I become a good listener and can walk away from the unnecessary chaos around me …
That’s enough for me …

Now that I’m an adult
I understand me well ….
I dance on the clouds …
I fly high …
I sing in the rain …
I make friendships with strangers,
If they’re black, white, brown or grey, it doesn’t matter…
I trust the path …
I enjoy the journey …
I reach to where there’s only peace, love and only smiles …
I have built a place where sorrows hide and love flying free and high …
Thereon my soul itself becomes a love, true love all the time …
And God is the God who loves me as I’m …
He is ‘Okay’ with my colors whatever that is
And keep a smile for me out there high above;
Till the time comes to meet my Lord
I embrace that colorful space with all my heart, and, fulfill my much needed soul’s quest …
Grey is okay, I understand
And I love colors though …

A Royal Escape

A royal escape with some happy laughter
And sometimes some happy tears …
Together with you only I’ll go to such escape
Again and again, now and always
And throughout all the coming years of any age …

Together we’ll visit
The Louvre Museum to see Mona Lisa
To see her mysterious beauty
Her smile is a mirror of me and
Like me, the curve of her lips speak wisely …
Her eyes have an unspoken love, dear
What would she say if she could speak?
Darling, if you want to know
Then ask me only …..

By the flowing Blue Nile
We’ll thread a dream strong
The mightier streams will pass it
To other mightier throng …
We’ll also keep the magic of love
By the brilliance shades of Pyramids
See, the beautiful Giza is near
They say, it’s west of the Nile clear …
Will we see Sphinx, Pharaoh’s face?
We’ll discover the mysteries of that phase

The moon shines brightly upon the Great Wall
It’s lying like a great dragon along the sky
Three thousand years of wind and rain come by
It’s path is natural, strong and magnificent, just like you
It’s a long journey on the Great Wall
And I’ll be close to you, talking and walking about too …

Let’s get an appointment at the Eiffel Tower
As in the ‘Sleepless in Seattle’,
You may love it’s rooftop,
High, high, very high ….
Together from there
We’ll make our journey and we’ll fly
Screaming to the world, ‘Goodbye’ ….

Taj Mahal, no doubt, we’ll see
It’s a sign of eternal love
The gardens, the palace
The embroidered doors, walls and marbles
In all its beauty, a wondrous splendour …
But it brightens no brighter, darling
As it brightens in your heart’s core ….

We may dive in the Pacific Ocean
Its waves are like lustrous strands
Inviting us to light the deep with our love …
We may sit by it’s beach
And listen to the calling of the sea-gulls
We’ll find rocks and shells
We’ll walk hand in hand
Enjoying the ocean’s smell …

It would be excellent
To walk a Hollywood Fame …
You and me will act the roll
As they act in ‘You’ve got Mail’
I’m sure we’ll achieve a glamorous name …

Live orchestra of ‘Love-story’
In Italy, will be a joyful sight
The every thought, the music says
It says of the wish of a beautiful night …

We’ll ride a New York subway
We’ll play hide and seek
Station after station
We’ll laugh and not fray
Our laughter will keep the wind
For others to breathe more and to pray …

Sweetheart, we’ll plant our flowers
We’ll see the blue open sky
We’ll see watch stars at night
And we’ll do something different everyday
To be kinder and to be more bright
We’ll feed a hungry child
With one word of gentle love
With one look more smiling to him
It’s a divine pleasure
It’s never a charity to any other
But to ourselves darling,
It’ll build our truthful insight, undoubtedly …

A Royal Escape of such happy laughter
With some happy tears is a pleasure …
As we grow together, with smiles
I’ll be escaping with only you
To many phases and places
Again and again, now and always
And through out all the coming years of any age …

It’s my personal favourite with some error, here and there. And I know it’s a bit long than my usual ones, but I love this long poem and I hope you would love it too to read it all ….

And here I mentioned about Taj Mahal ….
Don’t know why I didn’t mention Pahalgam or the BETAAB Valley … Kashmir is my recent favourite place, absolutely, say like forever ♾️ 🥰

So should I include the place in this Royal Escape? Tell me ….

And tell me also where would you escape if there’s any chance of you being able to take such escape …


I’m sorry I took a lot of time
I never thought
You would notice let alone ask me about it ….
So I am a bit nervous, feeling a bit overwhelmed
It’s a bit difficult for me …
Can the answer wait?
I may reply a bit later but
I don’t know
May be or may be not …
If I do not take time now
And say that I wish to say …
Then it may sound vulnerable
Again it may or may not be
To you; I do not know ….
Just your presence lingering for a long, long, long time now without a trace of heartache …
And it’s better unsaid to you …
May be or may be not
But I’ve never been happier to fall like this …
And then I’m a bit upset also
That you’ve noticed
Even if you noticed
Why did you have to ask me?
You made me awkward …
And that’s why I was a bit upset …
Couldn’t you be silent?
There are so many things to tell
I have so many words to say
May be not now, or may be now
I believe it’s happening
You’re becoming my idle thoughts …
Then what’s the fuss about it?
Then what’s that ‘May be or may be not’ at all? …

Forelsket/ norwegian
(n.) the euphoria experienced you begin to fall in love

——————~falling in love~———————


Poetry has taken over a poem
Time is on my side
Thrilled to watch me try ….

Poetry has taken over a poem
Love is beautiful and wide
Whose music will never die …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Moment is now and happening
A tale being told in the sky …

Poetry has taken over a poem
Stillness fills up empty spaces
Answers my every single why …

‘All poems are poetry, but not all poetry is a poem’ ….



(n.) a person who loves language and words

What words do you use to express your love for them?

His Precious Jewellery

His look is one of the most
Distinctive in fashion;
Though quite an escapist mode
He owns …

His dominant movement
Has made him one of that
Dominant icon …
A timeless form within,
Bringing the
Unfinished make-up of
The star to my whole being …

Often I wonder
A velvet scarf would appreciate
The beauty more …
Often I think …
The sky blue,
Royal blue,
And rose-gold would reflect
The imagery of his style in my mirror …

In vivid expression,
His is a simpler,
A softer look …
He is his time
And communicates
With a youthful spirit …

As I want more than
Only adoration,
I want insight, an intellectual curiosity
To provoke a luxurious fabrics;
Such as cashmere, or
Duchess satin,
Grey flannel and more …
These do bring forth a nostalgic beauty
To my man’s beauty …

And I’m happy
That often I design him
In Sunday’s best silk with
Traditionally delicate lace …
And this is the centre of all his
Charms defined by me …

Though some fragile knits
And beads are always there …
Still, it’s a fabulous fit for us …
The clothes are all clean and white
Thats what set up our own label,
A chosen one for the privileges …

It’s beyond passion
It’s forevermore with the beloved …
The essence of this passionate heart is
Rooted in his bold and unique spirit …

After all these settled
Fashion and styles,
He often says
Quite fashionably,
‘His heart wears nothing
But only one jewellery’ …
Often he says to me,
‘He treasures nothing but
One precious treasure’ …
And that his precious jewellery
Is me …

With You

I am getting drunk with you
I am getting sober with wine …
I am walking on water with you
I am swimming through air so fine …

Happy Birthday Roksana

If I look deep enough I think I’ve always loved to paint. But that didn’t happen until 2020. Painting came as a healing journey during pandemic time and I delve myself into in a kind of hypnotic allures of colorful emotion. I was a full time teacher back then. In 2021 I left my teaching job and start living my dream life of being an artist. Though it wasn’t my plan and surely it didn’t come easy, but it was all about a healing gift for me.

Over the years I created so many paintings and organised self-initiated events from awareness programs to rooftop exhibition and in-house exhibitions to fund-raising projects for underprivileged children and people and my paintings displaying in fairs, wander ventures and pop-up sales and receiving admirations from all over the world and very recently, JBC initiating wellness programs under art therapy and colorful date with mindful conversations.

It’s an incredible journey which I’m enjoying immensely and all the things I do for my Jian Bird Creates, I do with all my heart and soul. The universe has been kind to me, and true are the words from The Alchemist, ‘And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it’ – as if it was happening for me without me knowing it because I was so busy in creating the wonders that were coming to my mind and everyone around me, specially my whole family, few beautiful friends and very very specially My Lama girl giving heart and soul for my wonders …

Happy Birthday my dearest friend Roksana Amelia
Love you to the moon, stars and beyond ⭐️
Life is a blessing. Bless it with all your heart wherever you’re ….

To the unknown
To the uncertainty
To the chaos
To the infinity

Beginning Today

Beginning today,
I will no longer worry about yesterday.
It is in the past and the past will never change.
Only I can change by choosing to do so.

Beginning today,
I will no longer worry about tomorrow.
Tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most of it.
But I cannot make the most of tomorrow without first making the most of today.

Beginning today
I will look in the mirror and I will see a person worthy of my respect and admiration.
This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time with and someone I would like to get to know better.

Beginning today,
I will cherish each moment of my life.
I value this gift bestowed upon me in this world and I will unselfishly share this gift with others.
I will use this gift to enhance the lives of others.

Beginning today
I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to revel in the mysteries I encounter.
I will face challenges with courage and determination.
I will overcome what barriers
there may be which hinder my quest for growth and self-improvement.

Beginning today,
I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time.
Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image, my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.

Beginning today,
I walk with renewed faith in human kindness.
Regardless of what has gone before,
I believe there is hope for a brighter and better future.

Beginning today,
I will open my mind and my heart.
I will welcome new experiences.
I will meet new people.
I will not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else:
Perfection does not exist in an imperfect world.
But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.

Beginning today,
I am responsible for my own happiness and I will do things that make me happy.
Admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favourite music, pet a kitten or a puppy, soak in a bubble bath.
Pleasure can be found in the most simple of gestures.

Beginning today,I will learn something new;I will try something different;I will savour all the various flavors life has to offer me.I will change what I can and the rest I will let go.
I will strive to become the best me I can possibly be.

Beginning today
And every day.

– Penny White



Please read this with a friend who needs to hear this ‘Beginning Today’ …
God gives us faith to share. May we give it to others in the loving spirit in which it was given to us. Sharing is caring.



It’s happening
She hasn’t met someone
She hasn’t seen someone
But she’s falling for that someone …
It’s happening

Unreal yet real but not as real as it is …
Quite inexplicable and yet very true it is ….

Raabta/ urdu
(n.) inexplicable connection with another soul …

I have been suffering from the viral fever of the season for the last two days and this fever is quite different from what I had experienced before. So yesterday even in my feverish head and body, my mind felt to write something, that went like, ‘The cosmos is within us, the dance is absolutely amazing, let the universe find the questions you have, the answers you need” …. Then may be for a second or two, I felt hallucinations … may be or may be not … sometimes high temperatures do cause such things, right? However, I’m all fine with the fever still going on … So today, when I was going through those yesterday’s musings, I dropped the idea of writing further about the cosmos verses one, and really felt passionate about writing this one …


So simple, yet I hope you like it ✨♥️





Enchanting Kashmir’ has a hypnotic bell that keep ringing in my heart and soul … so you may find a lot of videos and images that I so dearly keep sharing … 😊


Her Last Inscription

To love you again and again….

She’s truly honest
In her honest prayers …
Though within her unspeakable despair
And impossibility,
She couldn’t go away far;
But always come back quite inevitably …

All frailties alone cast upon
Her feeble hope that always exits;
Her nature reigns upon her own soul …
She holds on to her faith; yet so unfair her torments,
Make the despair ever greater
Widening her tears itself betwixt,
She watches feebly all souls’ cruel wits …

Impossibility goes not to heaven
Like a weak and an easy prey;
Thinking is not same as knowing,
So at her best, she spends in praying,
Trusting each and everyday.
At times, she tries to cease time
But not her endless pray ….

(Whatever you wish:
You know that you know
But know you not;
Truth is her lord
And always you shall be;
‘My dear, (she whispers)
I’ll serve what you deserve,
Even if you talk
So ungratefully.
:Whenever you wish)

The injustice rankles yet
More often loving comes to her aid.
It is always worth keeping,
Her emotion that rises and trips away springs;
For the sake of her truth, she brings
The words that breathe a reason
Scaring the unfinished conversation even with self …

Though her skies are too dark (at the moment)
With flowers in odor and in hue in sight,
Now she excludes all and wanders through the night …
Being more calm and bright,
Letting all her doubts, thoughts and emotions pass by
To enter the heaven, the endless light,

Lastly, she takes her flight.

So long, she loved at her best,
A bittersweet farewell to her dear is the rest …
She writes her last inscription just to let you in,
‘Please don’t hurt my soulful prayers,
Forgive my selfish tears ….
As I would take rebirth in this world,
With my passion for you
Deep, and fully blooming
And quivers with bliss.’

Above, a bit complex verses, though I think it’s fine …

In a poem I usually use whatever can be called the melody long before I have reached an understanding of all that it might mean. Sometimes I think I can use that to my hearts’ fullness and other time I feel that it’s unfinished yet again conveying the emotions which convince me to love it as it is …
To me, poetry attracts when only emotions endures ….

What aspects of poetry attracts you the most?


diamond is forever


you’re a diamond
is true; cause
you sparkle

i sparkle;
just as a dew on
a petal; you shine
then i shine

you twinkle
there on i twinkle
like a beautiful star
cause a diamond
is forever,
its true.

cause you’re
my diamond
and i love you and
its forever



trouvaille /truːˈvʌɪ/ French tru vi /
(n.) something or someone lovely discovered by a chance. a lucky find.

Journey All Its Own

Dear Art lovers,
Please visit my precious art gallery sometimes
And get an overwhelming experience …
Stare at my artworks for sometime …
Sometimes, stare at my precious artwork for some more time, say, five minutes more or ten minutes longer …
Stare at it, as if you do not have any hurry or hustle …

During that period of time
You may feel that time is moving slow around you and you’re still in front of an artwork …
An artwork by Roksana Amelia
Suppose, it’s her ‘Journey All its Own’ ….
Just I wish
You would love this slow looking at her artwork for a bit longer time …
As it is surely a ‘Journey All its Own’ ….

We all want to know a bit about ourselves ..
Don’t we?
We think we know a lot about ourselves ..
Do we?
You know about ‘Know thyself’ – it’s a famous saying …
But did you ever wonder why it’s a bit difficult to know thyself?
Have we looked deep down into our soul for a bit longer time?
Do we take a bit longer dive into our soul?
Are we comfortable enough to take the journey into our soul a bit longer time?
Or do we feel restless resting in our own soul?
Knowing thyself isn’t so easy, my dear …
Learn the art of slow looking at your own self
Knowing thyself is an art of learning through observation …
To know thyself needs uninterrupted attention;
So take time, dive deep and see your soul through your heart and mind ….

So when you visit my gallery
You may reward a longer look at the precious artworks here ….
Thus you may spend time with the precious journey that you own as well …

This ‘Journey All its Own’ is yours and yours only …
I won’t say how you should look at it.
It’s personal.
You decide what you wish to look and what you feel about it …
It’s about you and this ‘Journey’ …

I just feel happy that
While you’re with my artwork,
You may make your own discoveries out of your slow looking at it …
As if you are diving deep and deep
And forming a very special personal connection with it …

See my dear,
I’m more interested about
This special connection between you and my precious art piece,
Specifically because …..
I so long to wish for that beautiful sight of
You and your ‘Journey All Its Own’ ….

A New Journey
All Its own …

And now tell me, which one/s you feel more connected to your own soul … what specific things would drive you to know yourself better …. Have you ever thought about it?

A Book with A Few Thoughts

Some days I like to walk with a book….
And with that, there are some words to reflect..

Don’t go back to past.
There’s nothing you can do about it.
Accept where you’re at and move on and try be in the present.
Have gratitude for what you already have.
Have compassion and accept what is.
And if you can change it, it’s okay.
But there are somethings that you need to accept that you can’t change
And if you can’t change, let it go.
Be who you’re and people will like you.

A grief is a grief is a grief, and there’s not a piece of me that believes one loss is greater than another…Everyone’s loss is greater in their life. Try to understand this and be empathetic about it. So in a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Time is the finest gift one can give to other from heart and soul. Empathy is the truest attribute one can possess for others.

Just “Don’t ever give anybody enough power to bring back the triggered unhealed version of you, when you’ve worked so hard to become better than that” ….


My heart is full of many things to say to you
But I feel speech is nothing to you at all …

I believe
We shall surely see each other someday
Though I’m afraid I wouldn’t deliver the observations
So far I’ve made ….
The emotions that’s touching me these days,
In moments so weird ….

I believe
Love is an act of forgiveness
A tender look that may become
So sad
But what do I do out of it?
My tender look is my
Strange habit ….

I believe
My undefined patience
And the passion of my angels
Give me much relief
Cause I know you …
Although you show your indifference
But I bet it’s only out of love,
Not hate …

Then suddenly
I get this bittersweet feeling of onsra, that whatever little we have is coming to a close

My heart is full of many things to say to you
But I feel speech is nothing to you at all

Tell me if I’m wrong ….

Onsra/ boro
(n.) the bittersweet feeling of loving for the last time, or realizing your love won’t last


She heard him only once
She liked his voice …

She wish she could know his voice long ago..
She thought it
With a trace of melancholy …

In-Yun / korean /
(n.) The ties between people over the course of their lives, and the belief that we meet certain people because we had interactions with them in thousands of past lives …

It’s a word in Korean, In-Yun, it means fate. But it’s specifically about relationships between people. It’s an In-Yun, if two strangers even walk by each other in the street, and their clothes accidentally brush. Because it means there must have been something between them in their past lives. If two people get married, they say it’s because there have been 8,000 layers of In-Yun over 8,000 lifetimes ….

Do you believe in In-Yun?


She is with him
Even when he is not around …
And he makes her smile
Even in his absence ….

Saudade/ portuguese/ /saʊˈdɑːdə/
(n.) a nostalgic longing to be near someone who is distant.

Sometimes Somehow

Somehow I feel
I love you …

Somehow I mean
To say, ‘I need you’ …

Somehow I shyly
Whisper, ‘I want you’ …

Somehow I think
I have you as mine …

Somehow I get
That you are near me …

Somehow I know
I’m a mess without you …

Somehow I dream
Walking beside you …

Somehow I hope
A lifetime of promises
With you …

Somehow I hear
You saying all of these
To me …

Sometimes somehow I feel funny writing all these letters of love. Then sometimes somehow I know somewhere someone may resonate all of my these simple, plain and quite undecorated letters of love for themselves … And then all the time I know that the letters of love may differ from person to person, but the in-depth feelings of love remain the same…

How do you feel about the letters of love? 😊

Love Letters …

Love letters, to you. Never received …

Love Letters

Love letters, for you. Never sent …



Love …

Love unconditionally. This is the condition …



Yes I do.
And you?

Cracks – A Painting

You’re shattered enough to understand that cracks are required for light to enter …

Let the light enter your soul …

We are all broken—that’s how the light gets in

Ernest Hemingway

Isn’t it true?



There’s a Buddha in me saying,
‘When in doubt and confusion, pause.’

There’s a soulmate in me saying,
‘Do not fear. Be vulnerable. Love.’

In Pattaya, Thailand

Detached Attachment


I was waiting
For you
And you didn’t show up
while my odes started to burn …
A heartache …

After a while,
There a humble person came along ..
Seemed so at the moment …
I asked him to take a picture of me and
There I sat at the corner of a bench
In the garden …
Took some time to
Get my mood toned
Up my unsettled face …
There the man waited patiently …
A gentleman ….

Once it’s all set yet unsteady
As I was,
I heard the man said, ‘Ready?’
Twinkled at him and said, ‘Yes’
Smiling …
With the chilly breeze that was
Passing through
I preferred my warm
Jacket kept aside
And my heavy heart smile
For the warmth I needed ….
A harmony ….

Later on I welcomed a friendly
Conversation with the stranger
He seemed to like all of it …
My chitter-chattering
And laughter flowed freely, naturally …
Then we started walking
In the garden, blooming all around
An attachment ….

The balance was the two umbrellas
For each of us,
His violet, mine yellow one
We were walking and talking
Keeping the in-between distance mindfully yet our heart-felt notions were quietly replaying …
The undefined mysteries of the world, meanwhile …
Letting love in our heart, unknowingly …
After a while, we faded into our different paths
Just two strangers with memories
A detachment ….




Tell me, what is that one odd yet beautiful encounter you experienced in your lifetime?



I struggle to convey in words
What I want to say to you ..

I talk to you every day
You may not hear me
Word by word;
But you already know it all, I know …

You remain so quiet …
Day by day you are becoming quieter
(Oh! How I hate it!)
It seems that you want me to
Remain quiet too …
Cause all these chattering
May make it messier between us
And I can see that too …

Sometimes I think
I will stay quiet …
May be, only then
I’ll be free from
My struggle to say it all
To you.

Have you ever experienced such inexpressible moments to express yourself in your life?

Conversation Over Coffee ☕️

It was raining here …

She called him with a cup of coffee in her hand.

It was raining there too …

He received the call with a cup of coffee in his hand.

She said, ‘What are you doing?’

He said, ‘I’m drinking coffee and watching the rainstorm. And you?’

She said, ‘I’m drinking coffee too by the window, watching the raindrops falling on the trees in my garden. Enjoying it.’

He said, ‘How’s your treatment going on?

She said, ‘fine.’

He said, ‘Well, that’s good to know. Why did you call now?’

She took a moment. Then …

She said, ‘I missed you.’

He took a moment. Then …

He said, ‘Do you miss me just as a friend or as a guy?’

She said, ‘As a guy!’

He took a pause. Smiled a little bit.

She took a sip from her coffee cup as if to relax a bit with the words spoken finally to him.

The pouring rain was making a beautiful breeze.

They both felt it on their way.

From here to there.

From there to here.

He said, ‘I’m done with the house. I even sleep here sometimes. It’s pretty. I did a pretty nice job.’

She said, ‘I plan to visit soon.’

He said, ‘What?’

She said, ‘May be in about ten days. Next weekend!’

He said, ‘Why are you coming? Are you coming to jump into the sea here? Don’t you even think so. You’ll freeze to death, you know. The water gets cold in winter. You know that, na?’

She said, ‘Why are you saying this and that? Why will I jump into the sea? I’ll be coming to visit you. Not for any other reason.’

He said hurriedly, ‘Okay. Let’s hang up. I’m busy.’

Then he smiled a sweet smile after such a long time.

Then he started singing, ‘If you ever need me, just give me a call. I’ll run over to you whenever. Whether it’s raining or hail-storming, I don’t care.’

Then she smiled a sweet smile as if she was hearing his song. 🎵

It was raining here.

It was raining there.

Their conversation was going on and on …

In the rain.


Diamond is Forever

You shine, then I shine through you

That you are
a diamond
is true; cause
you sparkle

I sparkle;
just as a dew on
a petal; you shine
then i shine

You twinkle
thereon I twinkle
like a beautiful star
cause a diamond
is forever.
its true.

Cause you are
my diamond
and I love u and
its forever


He says, ‘Hello’

She says, ‘Hello o o o’

Just this much!

And they say nothing else …..


However they talk a lot

With themselves all day long ….


Now this silence and noise

Echoing of a wavelength connecting their minds,

Echoing of a wavelength that prefers speechless songs,

Echoing of a wavelength from the same frequency they send in the sky.


Well, that’s very odd!

From a simple ‘Hello’ to finding this colourful ‘Wavelength’ symphony.


A good vibe though!

What do you say? Hello o o!



At night

She went to sleep around 11 pm-ish

Slept the whole night to wake up early morning!

Ah! What a beautiful morning and the morning breeze

She is in love with this moment …

Reflecting back the other day ..

Two things hurt her in heart’s core

She was emotional with hurt still attached

Cried a bit or two

She doesn’t want anyone to see it

Made her silent and

She couldn’t get pass of it for long.

Another work made her productive

Tiring yet satisfying ….

And there was another happening that made her happy

For the first time the soul feels joy

As if a blossom in the desert

She felt her worth for an unknown reason

This alone kept her joyful all day long till now

Made her feel she is loved and cared so much …..

They say

Everything happens for a reason.

Then the happening that made her smile and happy has a reason

She falls in love with that reason

At night

She slept long hours …

Her spirit, free and fair

Awoke from its blissful sleep!

As she reflects, humbling herself for a joy she cherishes right now.

Quiet Contemplation

Inhaling moments of pure bliss

Exhaling silence and calm …


My canvas is filled with every other color

But without yellow.

Yellow is my favourite color.

Do you know?

How would you know?

We hardly talk….

Yet this painting is my pride and joy.