
You ask about my love
How deep it is for you …
And the extent of my affection …

My feelings are genuine
And my love is sincere
The moon symbolizes my love …

So tender was the kiss
That touched my heart
Such deep affection
Makes me yearn for you …

You ask about my love
How deep it is for you …
Reflect on this
And gaze above
The moon symbolizes my heart …

Srinagar, Kashmir


Coffee rings tell tales of art,
Creativity …

(n.) someone who loves coffee

Little Joy

My student has drawn me.

I wear hijab. But she doesn’t like that. So she drew me without the scarf. She asked me if my hair is long, short or medium. Accordingly she tried to draw. She even marked my dimple and so she drew two dimples on the cheeks. But I’ve one dimple on my cheek. She has love for me and so she drew heart ❤️ in her dress to show that she loves me.

She forgot to draw the nose on her drawing and at the end of the class, she looked at the whiteboard as I was giving thanks for her sweet effort, and there she suddenly said, ‘Oh no! Where’s your nose?’ And she quickly gave a dot on the face.

Isn’t it cute?

I took a picture of it to keep it as a precious memory.


Steam swirls,
Chaotic warmth in coffee cup,
Awake, senses grace, within ….

Humepenthe/ made up
(n.) someone who makes you forget er your pain and sorrow; someone with whom you forget all your worries ….

Humepenthe is a made up word (@cosmosbyrudra) made with combination of human + nepenthe which human form of a drug which was given to people to forget or lessen their pain and suffering in ancient time ….

La Reponse C’est L’amour

Moments linger, serene and soft
Time embraces our cherished moments,
And memories bloom, and serendipity stays …

I’m in love with this music. And you?



La reponse c’est l’amour/ french
(phr.) “Love is the answer”


Silent growth in aging
Echoes wisdom …
Wisdom whispers
In wrinkles’ embrace …

The older you get,
The more quiet you become …
Whispers of time deepen hush;
Silence, aging’s gift, in return….

(n.) strong affection for solitude and being alone …:

If Only

If only I could express what is in my heart

White Beauty

Winter’s embrace, mountains adorned in white ….

Kashmir (2023)


Between the lines of a muted conversation,
Unspoken tales form a quiet foundation …
Heartbeats echo the stories concealed,
In the silent spaces, emotions revealed …

‘Don’t wake me …
I’m not dreaming’ …

Gaman/ japanese
(n.) Gaman is a Japanese word of Zen Buddhist origin which means ‘enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity’. The term is generally translated as ‘perseverance’, ‘patience’ and ‘tolerance’ …

Zen Zone

A man doesn’t need brilliance or genius, all he needs is energy

Albert M. Greenfield

Keep a little place,
Like a little ‘zen zone’ for yourself
Have a cup of coffee there …
Do some mindful drawings …
Read some books …
Write some poetry, musings, or something philosophical …
Or do nothing …
In midst of strangers
It can become a little mindful meditation
With every sip of bliss ….

Keep a little ‘zen zone’
For you
Feel the crave to be there
And come here when you need to be ….
But before you leave
Define how you prioritise yourself
Over every other things ….
And do not make it an easy place
Where you can find an escape
Whenever you feel like …
Rather make it special
As you would make any other thing special
And keep it as sacred as
It’s supposed to be for creating
Little ‘Zen Zone’ for yourself ….

Here’s one of my little ‘Zen Zone’ …
Where’s your little ‘Zen’ Zone’ place?


Zen Zone
“Your introvert zen zone is an area where your senses need to be soothed by their surroundings — the key word being “zen.” For instance, you should be able to practice mindfulness meditation there if you wish.”

Audio – Sia – Snowman (Love this ⛄️)

La Vie Continue …

The smell of that salty caramelised coffee beans is breathtaking. With each sip, the soul awakens …

Let the moment sends some carefree thoughts. Don’t worry too much …

Let the tender emotions flow …



La Vie Continue / french
(phr.) “life goes on”

Mrs. Dalloway – a book

What does the brain matter compared with the heart?””






Tell me ….

Mini Mountain – Painting

This small little artwork in standing frame was chosen by one of my favourite friend for one of her favourite person.

So I wrapped it with all the things that I usually send with the painting, few JBC cards, greeting cards and a hand-written note as a token of gratitude.

My friend received the packet with gratitude and her favourite person received the Mini Mountain painting with grace and appreciation from her.

I remember, I shared one photo image of this Mini Mountain to my friend the day before I sent it to her, and I told my friend, ‘If she (your fav person) keeps this little piece in an aesthetic manner, it’ll be a great fit for any corner of her home’ ….

Then she told me, ‘You know Roksana, your little artwork is going to a home where they’re pretty cultural minded people and they design the walls of their home with different paintings from different categories, such as paintings from famous artist Rafiqun Nabi (Ranabi) and others. And I’ve chosen your art for their home.’ I was speechless; I didn’t know what to say. I was feeling shy and a lot overwhelmed … Thank you Joya for choosing JBC artwork for such a beautiful artistic home.♥️

After three days, my friend sent me a photo of the corner side-table where this little Mini Mountain has found it’s precious space, and my friend wrote to me, ‘Your painting, in the right place now.’

I loved that so much –
I looked at the image carefully and I found –
Sufi darbesh in white attire …
Buddha taking a peaceful nap …
George Harrison’s famous Bangla Desh cassette
A vintage old-fashioned black land-lined phone
A photograph of a young girl …
And many more souvenirs and antiques …
In midst of all these, my mini mountain painting … Isn’t it amazing?

My happiness knows no bounds …
I’m happy that they received my little artwork with joy in their home as it indeed brought joy in my heart creating it.

I love these stories of JBC paintings and artworks ….
These are like love-letters to me …

I hope you love the JBC love-stories too …






The cosmos is within us
The dance is absolutely amazing
Abundantly fabulous …

Imagination is great
For the knowledge we possess
The inner child returns to find
A new era of time …
Becoming a wild free soul, fabulous …

The soul has the rhyme
From the time it’s born …
Listen to the Talisman of your own,
Daydreaming in this cosmic energy,
Travelling to the worlds, fabulous …

Let the universe find
The questions you have,
The answers you need –
All are dwelling inside
Waiting for a spark to
Find its magic, fabulously powerful …
A new pathway to excellence…

You belong to the mysterious space
Your dreams are coming back to you
There’s a song called cosmic abyss
From the beginning to eternity
The eternal flame, that’s fabulous …

Jijivisha/ hindi
(n.) jijivisha is the intense desire to live (or continue living) in the highest sense of being …

A humble video of JBC Paintings Prints on white ambush A4 paper (300gsm).

I hope you’ll like these.☺️✨🤲


A Book with A Few Thoughts

Some days I like to walk with a book….
And with that, there are some words to reflect..

Don’t go back to past.
There’s nothing you can do about it.
Accept where you’re at and move on and try be in the present.
Have gratitude for what you already have.
Have compassion and accept what is.
And if you can change it, it’s okay.
But there are somethings that you need to accept that you can’t change
And if you can’t change, let it go.
Be who you’re and people will like you.

A grief is a grief is a grief, and there’s not a piece of me that believes one loss is greater than another…Everyone’s loss is greater in their life. Try to understand this and be empathetic about it. So in a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Time is the finest gift one can give to other from heart and soul. Empathy is the truest attribute one can possess for others.

Just “Don’t ever give anybody enough power to bring back the triggered unhealed version of you, when you’ve worked so hard to become better than that” ….

A Paradise Picturesque

I’m in love with the scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop ….and I have never been to any snow-clad mountains up so close. It was a surrealistic feeling for me. I visited Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, Anantnag. I was excited for Gulmarg Gondola, the world’s second longest & second highest cable car 14,000 above sea level with picturesque views. Gondola ride takes around 22 minutes to reach Mountain Apharwat Peak from Gulmarg town and it is worth every minute to visit the peak. Exceptional views of sky and clouds. I was mesmerised by the wonderful view of the magnificent snow clad peaks. I loved the activities that I did, hiking, skiing ⛷️, sleighing. Had yummy coffee and Maggie soup there up on that mountain peak. So interesting!

Apart from Gulmarg Gondola and peak of the Apharwat mountain attractions, I loved Betaab Valley, Pahalgam valley, Dal lake, Zoji La, Baltal, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Pari Mahal, Night staying on a houseboat and Shikara ride in the fabulous Dal Lake, Horse riding to go to Baisaran Valley – each and everywhere I went, I can write a whole lot of things – but that story I may share later, some other day …

Here let me tell you about how destiny took me to Kashmir ….

I was planning an India trip with close ones. Initially we planned to visit the famous Taj Mahal in Agra, then Jaipur, Delhi also. But there were some situation which made me plan for Kolkata with another school friend. We bought the tickets even. But then again I had to rethink my trip and cancelled the air ticket. Then two of my colleagues wanted to join me for Darjeeling. Again we were making a bit research on this to make a good itinerary for us three. Then that plan also got cancelled. And I was the only one left to make the trip to India. But the timing wasn’t preferable for some reason and I wanted to avoid few particular dates specifically for my youngest sister was coming after months. Then I was in dilemma also, cause I didn’t want to make the trip alone. My family didn’t have any visa. Now I had only few days left to make the trip happen. Lastly within two days I tagged myself with some girls whom I didn’t know and they were going to Kashmir and that again they planned on the days when my sister was coming. With a bit of mixed emotions about not being able to spend time with my chhotu sister, I decided to join that group of girls. So finally I was going to take that solo trip with them whom I never met and they happened to be my travel companions for seven days.

The moment I flew for Kashmir’s, I was terribly missing my family, and sisters back home. And then the moment I landed in one of the Heaven on Earth, I was spellbound by the stars and universe joined in with its magic wand upon me to make me this much enchanted 🤩 🪄….

That’s why if someone asks me, ‘Is Kashmir worth it?”, I would say, ‘You never know until you visit.’

May be Kashmir was destined for me in many layers of undefined ways of life – that story I wish to share some other day ….

I took a lot of pictures and videos. I’m sharing only few here. Let me know if you have liked the Paradise Picturesque photographs by Roksana Tales. I wish to make post cards with some of the moments there.


I wish to visit again …
Will you go with me?


I’m an Orophile, meaning I’m a person who loves mountains …

And you?

A Little Walk

So I went to a bit far away village for a simple photo-walk. There I met some extraordinary people of all ages who welcomed me wholeheartedly. But they do not know me. I do not know them until today … Some love their goats, some love their fields, some love their busy time – and all were happy and contented. I just love that so much. The simplicity. The care they carry for a stranger is nothing but the glory of their life.

I felt so much warm around them. Few children of that village accompanied me all the time … wherever I was going they were always there …

I took a lot of pictures. Here I have shared only a few. When I get a scope of taking pictures, I go crazy. I even do not remember from when I get this attraction to take photos wherever I would go or wherever I would be … I simply love when I hear my camera makes the sound, ‘Click Click’. I feel so passionate about it! Between smiles, laughter, and capturing memories, who wouldn’t just love photography?

I’m sure photography tells a story. You can see these photographs and make the story for yourself …

Will you?

For a little walk
With me,
Will you please come?
A little far away
From chaos and bustle
Of city life
Will you please come?
For a little walk
Down the valley
With a tune of a song
That you like and I love too …
Will you please come?


Sometimes we’re in love with moments, not with people ….







Cracks – A Painting

You’re shattered enough to understand that cracks are required for light to enter …

Let the light enter your soul …

We are all broken—that’s how the light gets in

Ernest Hemingway

Isn’t it true?



Why is prayer so powerful?
It’s because you’re having a conversation with the lord of the universe
With the being who gives life
Who is the light of the heavens and the earth
And you’re not just talking to someone who loves you
You’re talking to someone who’s the source of all love and all goodness
And prayer doesn’t end what you say to God or what you ask from God …

When you get connected to the source of all positivity
Something inside you also changes
You get fulfilled
You get inspired
And most of all you get peace




How important is prayer to you?

Fluent in Silence – A Painting

if you are
too tired to speak,
sit next to me
for I, too, am
fluent in silence.”

The Girl on the Front Porch by Ron Arnold




Tell me, are you fluent in silence?

Prayers of Happiness

A simple prayer
Powerful enough
‘You deserve happy’ …

You think you can stop loving someone,
But in reality
You can only hide that feeling,
You never stop loving …
Because once you love someone,
There’s no undoing it …
There’s only prayers of
Happiness for them …

A Melancholic Music

You are like a music
Which creates melancholic
moods inside my heart …
A melody that lingers, night and day …
I take time to listen to it,
I find myself enchanted;
When nothing seems to ease my restlessness
I listen to you, my music
To walk the long journey of life
Even though it only creates melancholic moods
But you are like that music to me
Loving, healing, heart-touching
Connecting my soul to you
Forever and always ….

Apharwat Peak, Gulmarg

The Moonlit Night, Tonight

Srinagar, Kashmir

I’m so lost now …
Seeing you
In the breeze of the moonlit night …

That faraway moon brightens our long conversations so much,
That it feels
Like we could talk forever
In the deep of this moonlit night …

I’m so lost now
Looking deep in your eyes
As you whisper sweet nothings
In the breeze of the moonlit night tonight …

A Symphony of Love …

Pahalgam, Kashmir

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….

I felt shy when you came near to me
The breeze could hear the breaths of my silent shyness … but I couldn’t …

My unheard songs are echoing across the mountains
Even though I’m feeling a bit lonely
Without you ….
Yet this loneliness has a fragrance of you
Our love has hopes for tomorrow
This distance looks good to me …

The paths and the valleys are glowing
There is magic in mountains and waterfalls
The air is reciting the story of our love ….

A Tale of Twin Paintings

I put my heart and soul into my work, and I have lost my mind in the process.
-Vincent Willem Van Gogh

It is true for each of my creative works. My paintings have its stories and often they echo my deep-rooted emotions and deep talk with myself. I live in each of its stories and moments of creativity.

So here I so very wish to share my stories of two paintings with you all.

A Tale of Twin Paintings

Finally Falguni has the other twin painting tittle ‘Hope Shines’. I am super happy that she has chosen this one. And then there the first twin painting titled ‘Follow the Soothing Breeze, Here’ already owned by my daughter …

Why am I saying this two paintings as ‘TWIN PAINTINGS’?

Because I painted this two paintings simultaneously, keeping them side by side using only one art paper, dividing them with masking tapes. And they both have the same wavelengths I felt at the time I was painting them. While I was working on this Twins, during their creative process, colouring, taking pauses, brushing, re-brushing, stroking the brushes here and there, I remember I was contemplating on various things, specially doing meaningful purposeful work for the rest of my life. A purpose greater than life itself. Many a times I felt discouraged and demotivated, but never ever I felt lost as to what next. I’ve been always having different ideas to move forward in life. Never look back what I couldn’t, but moving forward what I can. Just like the titles of the Twin Paintings, I have been following a Soothing Breeze instilled in my heart all my life keeping my ‘Hope’ Shines throughout this life’s journey so far ….

Amazing, na?

Now I’m so glad that one twin painting is with my little sister-friend Falguni, and the other twin has its permanent residence at my dear daughter’s far away homesweethome.

When I first shared the two paintings after seemingly finishing them with my daughter, she immediately asked me to keep the ‘Follow the Soothing Breeze Here’ painting for her. I just loved the urgency to book the painting for herself. So I did keep it aside for her, happily. Last time I visited NY, I took that painting for her home there. She has already few of my paintings at her home. Now all the people come to visit her place, they ask her about the paintings and she feels so proud to let them know, ‘My mom is an artist. These are her paintings.’ She has been my very own cheerleader from the day I started the painting journey in 2020. And from then onwards, I listened to her many suggestions for my Jian Bird Creates and my painting journey. She absolutely adores my creative style of living and specially this journey inspires her to follow the soothing breeze deep inside her loving beautiful heart for herself.

Now ‘Hope Shines’ had lost its Twin and was alone, passing its days with other dazzling paintings around it. One day Falguni came at my Fund raising event ‘Meet & Greet’ for love and light. She walked through my small Jian Bird Gallery, and there she found her ‘Hope Shines’. As definitely always her hope shines through all the ups and downs of life’s tragic and unexpected happenings and yet she continues to shine ✨ For that reason or some other, she decided to own the ‘Hope Shines’ …

For an artist, the canvas is his life, breath and philosophy. So when someone owns their artwork or creative piece, and genuinely wants to keep those with them, I as an artist consider it as honor. I feel they can relate to the piece as I do. And for most of my artworks, I had this conversational experience to tell a story or to evoke an emotion. And there are some who wants me to attach the story with it. I feel it’s a complete connection, from soul to soul.

Now I know my very first TWIN paintings will always remain as their beloved treasures at their soul-home wherever they go. They are themselves two amazing souls in the beautiful Earth, self-made, selfless and strong.

Lastly, I just want to say to ALL of you;
Never forget. Hope shines only for those who believe.

Thanks, kindly, for stopping by and reading this long note from me.



JianBirdGallery❄️ JianBirdCreates

Grey isn’t What I’m Meant to be …

Life is somewhat grey
Just monotony
Lost and lonely …

Don’t you know?

Only when you stay
Life is colorful ….
A hopeful glow
Echoes of brighter joy
Birds sing cheerful songs
Rays of sunshines warm my cheeks
My yellow dyed dreams return …

Now it’s grey
Everywhere …

When will you come?
Without you, I feel grey ….

Don’t you know?
Grey isn’t what I’m meant to be …

And Promise Me …

The Good Traveler

And promise me
You’ll always remember:

Braver than you believe, and
Stronger than you seem, and
Smarter than you think.”

A. A Milne, Winnie the Pooh



On the road

Sonamarg, Kashmir

A Home

I haven’t met you
I haven’t seen you
But often I feel a home in you …




Where the glacier meets the sky, the land ceases to be earthly, and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore, and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reigns there, beyond all demands”-

Halldór Laxness

A Postcard from Kashmir